Lead: Kay Ramme Co-Lead: Stephan Bergmann
This is the Uno Wiki. Uno stands for Universal Network Objects.
Uno is the interface based component model of Uno offers interoperability between programming languages, object models and hardware architectures, either in process or over process boundaries, as well as in the intranet or the Internet. Uno components may be implemented in and accessed from any programming language for which a Uno implementation (AKA language binding) and an appropriate bridge or adapter exists.
It is planned to move most content from the pages into the Wiki. You are welcome to help. Probably most interesting for many people is, what we are currently doing in Uno, which you can find in the efforts area. One of the bigger things is the extension to Binary Unos threading-model.
The Uno Wiki organization is described in Uno/Meta/Organization.
Uno frequently asked questions
Functional Overview
- Porting/Modules/SAL
- Uno/Binary/Modules/CPPU
- Uno/Binary/Modules/CPPUtools
- Uno/Binary/Modules/STOC
- Uno/Binary/Modules/URE
- Uno/Binary/Modules/bridges
- Uno/Binary/Modules/codemaker
- Uno/Binary/Modules/idlc
- Uno/Binary/Modules/rdbmaker
- Uno/Binary/Modules/registry
- Uno/Binary/Modules/remotebridges
- Uno/Binary/Modules/testtools
- Uno/Cpp/Modules/CPPUhelper
- Uno/Cpp/Modules/SALhelper
- Uno/Java/Modules/JURT
- Uno/Java/Modules/javaunohelper
- Uno/Java/Modules/ridljar
- Util/Modules/IO
- Util/Modules/JUT
- Util/Modules/sandbox
Things in progress - Efforts
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Articles and Tutorials on Uno.
- Add-on
- Calc/API/Programming
- Calc/Add-In/CompleteAddIn
- Calc/Add-In/Simple Calc Add-In
- Component and Dialog
- Constructing Components
- Constructing Helpers
- Eclipse URE Tutorial
- User:Foral/JavaEclipseTutorial
- Going further with Dialog and Component
- IDL Files and Cpp
- JavaEclipseTuto
- Playing with Window Toolkit AWT
- PyUNO samples
- SDKCppLanguage
- SDKInstallation
- Tutorial UNO Client
- Tutorial UNO IDL
- Tutorial UNO Library
- UNO automation with a binary (executable)
- UNO registery and Bootstrapping
- Uno/Article/About Bridges
- Uno/Article/ES Understanding Uno
- Uno/Article/Multi-Thread Programming
- Uno/Article/Types&Reflection
- Uno/Article/Understanding Uno
- Uno/Article/Working with Environments, Mappings & Objects
- Uno/Cpp/Tutorials/Global References
- Uno/Cpp/Tutorials/Introduction to Cpp Uno
- Uno/Cpp/Tutorials/component tutorial
- Uno/Remote/Tutorials/Disposing Remote Bridges
- Using Cpp with the OOo SDK
- Writing Professional Components
- Explains the Uno registry handling and how components can be added to
- A Uno component which allows one to access Web services by Uno and BASIC.
- Explaining Uno Contexts
- Explaining Uno Security
- Explaing Uno I/O and Streaming
- Remote Function Call pitfalls
- Article about Uno Ease of Use
- Article about GCC incompatbilities
- How to implement a C++ Uno Bridge
- Library Unloading
Things to be Done
- Uno/Todo - Uno Todos
The abstract Uno Specifications
- Uno/Spec/Cascaded Mapping
- Uno/Spec/Environment
- Uno/Spec/Environment Stack
- Uno/Spec/Environment Substitution
- Uno/Spec/Purpose Bridge
- Uno/Spec/Purpose Environment
- Uno/Spec/Thread Affinity Bridge
- Uno/Spec/Thread Unsafety Bridge
- Uno/Spec/Threading-Architecture
- Uno/Spec/Threading-Model
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