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< User:Sancho
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Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: Unknown parameter '<-- debug' is ignored. Help: available parameters: addfirstcategorydate category count hiddencategories mode namespace notcategory order ordermethod qualitypages redirects showcurid shownamespace stablepages suppresserrors allowcachedresults execandexit columns debug distinct escapelinks format inlinetext listseparators notnamespace offset oneresultfooter oneresultheader ordercollation noresultsfooter noresultsheader randomcount randomseed replaceintitle resultsfooter resultsheader rowcolformat rows rowsize scroll title title< title> titlemaxlength userdateformat addauthor addcategories addcontribution addeditdate addexternallink addlasteditor addpagecounter addpagesize addpagetoucheddate adduser categoriesminmax createdby dominantsection dplcache dplcacheperiod eliminate fixcategory headingcount headingmode hitemattr hlistattr ignorecase imagecontainer imageused include includematch includematchparsed includemaxlength includenotmatch includenotmatchparsed includepage includesubpages includetrim itemattr lastmodifiedby linksfrom linksto linkstoexternal listattr minoredits modifiedby multisecseparators notcreatedby notlastmodifiedby notlinksfrom notlinksto notmodifiedby notuses reset secseparators skipthispage table tablerow tablesortcol titlematch usedby uses allrevisionsbefore allrevisionssince articlecategory categorymatch categoryregexp firstrevisionsince lastrevisionbefore maxrevisions minrevisions notcategorymatch notcategoryregexp nottitlematch nottitleregexp openreferences titleregexp deleterules goal updaterules .

total = 1372

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offset = {{{offset}}}

start1..0}}1..100101..200(1372 total)}}
Позиция Страница Просмотров
1   Apache OpenOffice 199530  
2 pro 154186  
3   Словари 138571  
4   База знаний 64158  
5   Политика Wiki-редактирования 21256  
6   Соответствие команд MS Excel и Calc 18299  
7   [[RU/GoogleSearch|]] 15426  
8   Руководства пользователя 3.x 15315  
9   С чего начать 14064  
10   Книги 13269  
11   Положение о Базе Знаний Apache OpenOffice    —    Regulations of knowledge base Apache OpenOffice 13077  
12   Apache OpenOffice Calc 12171  
13   Apache OpenOffice Writer 12134  
14   Различные сборки Apache OpenOffice 12128  
15   Базовая (ванильная) сборка Apache OpenOffice 11349  

total = 1372

count =

offset = {{{offset}}}

start1..0}}1..100101..200(1372 total)}}
0.042 sec. (2024/06/03 11:50:34)

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