Mac OS X Port Meetings

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MacOSX Port Meetings


You want to know last Mac OS X port development status ? You want to meet us ?

If you know how to use IRC, weekly (excepted from 29th july to 20th august) Mac port meetings are scheduled.

Hours may vary, but most of the time Friday or Saturday.

IRC server :

Channel  : #ooo_macport

These meetings are public, and everyone interested in development is welcome !

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday 25 August 2006 21:00 UTC, 23:00 CEST (Paris or Hambourg hour), 6:00 Japanese hour.

Agenda (feel free to add or remove from this):

Point 1 : New devs / Point about previous meeting

Point 2 : Aqua version ( last changes )

Point 3 : Process of integrating changes from aquavcl01 into the main tree : proposed by Pavel Janik

Point 4 : Proposal of Todolist and Roadmap for native port : Eric Bachard

Point 5: X11 version

Point 6 : misc

Action items for this meeting :

A) maintain the Todo's on the wiki

B) complete native controls list

C) Start to debate whether HIView or Appearance Manager can be used

D) Validate Pavel's proposal for aquavcl01 integration

E) Validate the Todolist

F) Validate the roadmap

Ericb 12:08, 25 August 2006 (CEST)


  1. Latest News
    1. Welcome new developers
    2. Latest Web Site changes / Progress
    3. Native Port News
    4. X11 version
      1. Upcoming release of 2.0.4
      2. New issues - Build breaker on PPC
  2. Tino's presentation (will this ever be discussed or is this item now out of date?)
  3. Additional mac port list to separate development from users. (Split opinion at last meeting).
  4. QA process/timing of next release
  5. Decide what to do with packaging. Continue with current drag and drop install or move to the package installer. [[1]]
  6. Next meeting date/time

Smsm1 12:39, 19 August 2006 (CEST)

Previous Meetings

FYI, previous meetings logs are available on this wiki:

previous Mac Meeting logs

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