Call for Papers for the and ODF DevRoom@FOSDEM 2010

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Deadline: Friday, December 18th


Local community building - Open-Source-Treffen

Local community building - Open-Source-Treffen

Topic Local community building - Open-Source-Treffen
Session/duration  ?? / ??
Speaker Florian Effenberger,
Carsten Book, Mozilla
Biography Florian Effenberger has been an open source evangelist for many years. He is co-lead of the international marketing project as well as a member of the management board of the non-profit Deutschland e.V. He is also a frequent contributor to a variety of professional magazines worldwide.
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) Mozilla and jointly organize so called open source meetings ("Open-Source-Treffen") in Germany to foster the idea of community building and to support exchange amongst projects and communities. This talk gives an overview of the idea, on what we achieved so far, what our plans for the future are - and how you can help!
Description Most people use open source software day by day. A fact that most of them do not know: Often, this free software is being developed, documented, marketed and improved by volunteers in their free time. Many open source projects work on fostering the idea of free software and open content, and a lot of users benefit from their efforts. Other than with proprietary software, users can get in direct touch with the communites via blogs, IRC channels, mailing lists or forums.

Despite the modern way of communicating, personal contact still is the best way to get to know each other. Meeting the people behind the names in reality is a great experience, and helps users of finding their way into open source communites to engage themselves. Therefore, Mozilla and jointly organize the so-called "Open-Source-Treffen" ("Open Source Meetings") to help open source projects in meeting their end-users and vice versa. Members of the community can get in touch with their users to gather valueable feedback, and open source adopters meet other supporters from their area.

In the German city of Munich, the "Open-Source-Treffen" have been taking place regularly, and the idea is to spread the word for other areas, engaging community members to set up more meetings. Carsten Book of Mozilla and Florian Effenberger of, founders of the "Open-Source-Treffen", introduce their vision and tell about the previous experiences. Audience for this talk are open source communities wishing to set up their own meetings as well as interested users who love to learn more about the idea.

Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) Floeff.jpg See User:Floeff

ODF Tools and Resources

ODF Tools and Resources
Topic ODF
Session/duration Talk / 45 mins
Speaker Bart Hanssens
Biography Bart Hanssens is chairing the OASIS ODF Interop and Conformance TC, co-organizer of the ODF plugfests and has been testing various ODF applications for the Belgian Federal government in his role as Interoperability Expert at Fedict
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) This session lists the various ODF tools and libraries that are "out there", and where one can find additional info about ODF itself.
Description ODF has become a popular document format, but for new developers it isn't always clear what open source tools exist and where to find them. This presentations aims to list the most interesting tools, libraries, projects and other resources available.
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) (See LinkedIn profile)

lpOD – languages & platforms OpenDocument

lpOD – languages & platforms OpenDocument
Topic OpenDocument format (ODF)
Session/duration TALK / 30min
Speaker Luis Belmar-Letelier, Charles, JMG and/or Jérôme ?
Biography Luis Belmar-Letelier PhD in Physics, CEO of Itaapy a Python agil shop since 2003, work with the ODF Toolkit Union, and is the coordinator of the lpOD project
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) Presentation of the lpOD -- languages & platforms OpenDocument
Description lpOD, is a Free Software project that offers, for high level use cases, an application programming interface dedicated to document processing with the Python, Perl and Ruby languages. It’s complying with the Open Document Format (ODF).
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG)

ODF on the server - ODFDOM architecture

ODF on the server - ODFDOM architecture
Topic OpenDocument format (ODF)
Session/duration talk / 30min
Speaker Svante Schubert

Svante Schubert (Sun Microsystems Inc.) has been a full-time developer for since its foundation. On he is the co-lead of the 'XML project', with emphasis on XML based filters and the new RDF metadata model of the OpenDocument Format 1.2. On the 'ODF Toolkit project' he is responsible for the new ODFDOM library. He works on the ODF standardization in the OASIS ODF TC, the German DIN and ISO SC34.

Abstract (1-2 paragraphs)
Description is coming soon...
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) File:Sus.png

Tips and Tricks for Extension Developer

Tips and Tricks for Extension Developer
Session/duration talk / 45
Speaker Juergen Schmidt
Biography Juergen Schmidt is working for Sun Microsystems in the StarOffice group for more then 12 years. He was deeply involved in the development of the UNO component model which is the foundation for the API. The community is one aspect of his daily work. He is involved in the project since the beginning, he is the project lead of the API and the Extensions project and he is a member of the Community Council. His main goal is to spread the knowledge around the programmability features of around the world and to show that it is more than only an office productivity suite. He speaks frequently about the programmability features of on international conferences.
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) The session will give an overview about the Extension infrastructure and will give tips and hints what's most important to integrate well in and to provide a more professional extension. Extensions provide often the necessary connector from to other software systems and the better they are integrated the better is the overall user experience and the interoperability.
Description is coming soon...
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) Jsc.png

New docking windows for a better UI & extension integration

New docking windows for a better UI & extension integration
Session/duration talk / 45
Speaker Carsten Driesner
Biography Carsten Driesner works for Sun Microsystems, Inc. and StarOffice/ since 2000. He is the project lead of the framework project since 2006.
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) The main goal of the framework project is to provide low-level functions (like loading/storing documents, generic UI, OLE, filter management) to the application modules. As the generic UI is mainly based on framework code many aspects of the Project Renaissance must be implement there. This presentation wants to provide an overview about our latest plans to provide new and powerful docking window functions.

The presentation is split up into four different parts: 1. The current state of docking window design 2. The new docking window design 3. How can extensions profit from the new design 4. Future outlook

Description coming soon...
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) ....

Improving the Build System

Improving the Build System
Session/duration talk, 45 minutes
Speaker Bjoern Michaelsen
Biography Bjoern Michaelsen works for Sun Microsystems, Inc. and StarOffice/ since 2008. He is the a member of the ongoing Build Environment Effort and a member of the Writer/Framework team at Sun.
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) The Build Environment Effort is an ongoing effort to update various aspects of the build environment. Some of the aims of this effort require to rethink the basic architecture of how is build.

This talk with present the results so far and how we are planning to go on.

Description see for details
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) Bmichaelsen.png

Show me YOUR code

Show me YOUR code
Session/duration Workshop, 90-120 minutes
Speaker Eike Rathke
Biography Eike Rathke is a core developer and co-lead of the Calc spreadsheet application.
Working on the spreadsheet core engine, formula compiler and interpreter since 1994. Also working on the number parser/formatter and doing related i18n work. He works for Sun Microsystems.
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) Show me the code YOU have written and want to be integrated. Talk about, identify and hopefully clear obstacles. Let's solve remaining problems together.
Description The last two FOSDEMs I gave an overview of the Calc spreadsheet interpreter core, and showed how to debug and profile the beast. This year it is time YOU show me YOUR code. Go into details. Discuss your solution. Ask questions.
If you would like to dive into your code at the workshop I'd appreciate if you made it available in advance so I can take a look. Send a mail to
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo ErAck 128x128.png

Just Testing

Just Testing
Session/duration talk/45 minutes
Speaker Stephan Bergmann
Biography Stephan has been working on all kinds of aspects of for well over a decade now, as a member of the StarOffice/ development team at Sun Hamburg.
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) is too fat and too weird to let you simply apply your standard unit-testing-approach to writing correct code. Over the years, this has lead to the creation of a number of mechanisms within the OOo code base with which OOo developers can test the code they write and compile. Some of the mechanisms are, erm, creative, some are trivial. But what all the mechanisms have in common is that they all are brittle and all start to fail, in one way or another, sooner or later. Time to clean up.
This talk will discuss where we intend to go, and probably tell a couple of anecdotes about where we came from.
Description -
Additional speaker info
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) speaker-270-128x128.jpg

Hidden Pearls - What's There to ReUse for Other Projects

Hidden Pearls
Session/duration talk / 45 minutes
Speaker Thorsten Behrens
Biography Thorsten has been hacking on for many years.
Abstract (1-2 paragraphs) This session presents a few examples of uniquely useful code inside OOo, plus a way for other projects to mine those pearls.
Description This rant (except for the ranting) pretty much conveys the ideas I want to present here
Additional speaker info [1]
Speaker Photo (128x128 PNG) wtf2.png
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