QCS Delivery Truck Implementaton

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Revision as of 16:01, 2 July 2006 by DrewJensen (Talk | contribs)

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The Base database running on the delivery truck laptop will be responsible for managing three things:

  • Delivery Route Information
  • Daily Delivery Records
  • On Truck Invntory of Products

Delivery Route Information

The driver begins the day by selecting a route do execute. The database shall have a default route. The driver can edit a route, set a route as the default, add a new route or delete an exisitng route. The driver may add a stop to an executing route.

Daily Delivery Records

A record of the arrival time for each stop on the route is maintainted, on the laptop.
Each stop will create a delivery record.
Each delivery records will create a new Order record.
All delivery and order records will be transfered to the main IS system at the end of the day.
After a successful transfer of the delivery and order records these tables will be emptied.
Each delivery and order record wil contain an internal PK field of type integer ( IDENTIFIER ).
The databae shall generate a Delivery/Order form to be left at the customer site.
Each delivery and order record will contain a *NO (DeliveryNo, OrderNo) field of type varchar(20) - this field will be programmintaclly generated and is used to synch records between the laptops database and the main IS systems database.

  • The delivery and order *NO fields are encoded with the folloiwing information:
    • 3 CHAR - Order or Delivery marker ( ORD, DEL )
    • 4 CHAR - Year
    • 4 CHAR - Number of the day of the year
    • 3 CHAR - Driver's initials
    • 1 CHAR - The dash character"-"
    • VARIABLE COUNT CHAR - Sequencial stop number, starting at 1 for each delivery day
    • So for a driver named Andrew Torolf Jensen, on July 2, 2006 making the first stop of the day delivery and order numbers generated would be: DEL2006183ATJ-1 ORD2006183ATJ-1
    • The database will utilize a sequence to generate these numbers. The sequence will be reset each day, after the successfull transfer of the days records to the main system.

On Truck Inventory of Products

At the end of a day the databse will generate a pick list for the driver, showing them what products need to be restocked on the truck. The database will allow the driver to add new products to the truck inventory, remove products from the truck or replenish products on the truck.

Misc. Functions


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