User:Dominique Pautrel/Wiki Localization Structure

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First I would like to apologize to speak and write such a bad english... but as my fathers always told me, the first and most important thing is to be understood ! I simply try this here ;-) Feel free to correct my misspellings and thanks in advance, for that too.

I'm trying to focuses only on the Documentation Project... and particularly on it's structure. With the fact that there is an international project and some documentation in many languages, even if the native-lang one is (naturally) the more represented.

The goal of this short page is to define a valuable category tree for (the French) localization(s).

About Categories

How should I attribute categories so that all the French documentation (for example) could appears in a nice way through dynamic page lists ?

I see two major and different ways to could use them :

For example, I've just added a new French entry in Documentation FAQ about paragraph styles in Writer. (It's not a translation of another language).

  1. Keywords
    In the case of a "keyword" behavior, I'll add four categories :
    1. [[Category:Documentation]]
    2. [[Category:FR]]
    3. [[Category:Writer|Style_Paragraphe]], so that in the Writer category it will be sorted at "Style_Paragraphe" (yes, with the final "e" cause we are in the FR domain)
    4. [[Category:FAQ|Style_Paragraphe]]
    With this concept a category such as Writer could become huge and thus not really readable. It could only be used through <DPL> requests. On the other side there are not hundred of categories for each language, because "Documentation", "Writer" and "FAQ" are common words for nearly every localization.
  2. Meta-Keywords
    There's just one category to use :
    1. Category:Documentation/FR/FAQ/Writer or
    2. Category:FR/Documentation/FAQ/Writer
    (What is the best address to observe for localization in that case ?)
    (Because I wonder... We have Category:Documentation/FR, but is it better than Category:FR/Documentation ?)
    Perhaps it is better like this because, as the opposite of pages names which contains "FR/Documentation", it permits other useful sorts functions ?

    It would be just like the Category:Documentation/FAQ/Writer, and by this way there's nothing to change with English language.
    This concept imply much more categories to be created for each language. And Documentation from different countries could not be retrieved so easily, although each country should have it's own Documentation category, with the Category:Documentation and the Category:NLC as super-category
  3. A compromise
    Using both Category:Documentation/FAQ/Writer and Category:FR
    But if it look easy for others language, this will all mix in the English Documentation.
    Or the same apply in English with the combination of both Category:Documentation/FAQ/Writer and Category:EN
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