ODF Toolkit/Minutes/2008 12

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<Malte> AGENDA:
<Malte> 1 Status of the Teams
<Malte> 1.1 AODL: Lars (lb)
<Malte> 1.2 ODFDOM/ODF4J: Svante, Christian (cl), MaJun, duyunfen
<Malte> 2 Open discussions
<Malte> .
<Malte> 1.1 AODL: Lars (lb)
<Malte> .
<larsb> no news
<larsb> .
<Malte> 1.2 ODFDOM/ODF4J: Svante, Christian (cl), MaJun, duyunfen
<Malte> .
<duyunfen> In the last week I'm analyzing the contorl's style and writing some examples,now it beginning to take shape in my mind.now I'm coding it.
<Malte> Sounds good :)
<Svante> cool, duyunfen!
<Svante> For my side..
<duyunfen>  :)thanks.
<Svante> .. I answered the first time the messages on the forum at the beginning of this week.
<Svante> http://odftoolkit.org/forums
<Svante> As I got no mail about the entries I missed them first, now I got an RSS feed on the forum.
<Svante> Answered the ODFDOM part and fixed the Wiki examples of ODFDOM.
<Svante> Even did several refactorings on the OdfPackage to make the package example run smooth..
<Svante> .
<Malte> MaJun: Anything from your side?
<MaJun> no,
<MaJun> i have no concrete job yet
<Malte> So Svante should give you some concrete task?
<Svante> You may choose one.. ;-)
<Malte> Then offer some ;)
<MaJun> that's great, i'd like he can give me some to start
<Svante> ..just work on something that you like (or annoys you, so you would like to change it).. I give you some examples later..
<Svante> .
<Malte> OK, assuming "later" means via email - anything else to discuss?
<MaJun> Svante: thank you
<Svante> You are welcome, MaJun! :-)
<Svante> I guess I simply write possible tasks on the list so MaJun and others may take their pick..
<Svante> By this it is more 'opensource'.. ;-)
<Svante> Nothing more from my side..
<Svante> ..regarding ODFDOM
<Svante> .
<Malte> Better would be putting the possible tasks in the odftoolkit.org wiki...
<Malte> You agree?
<Svante> And write a mail to point on them.. sure that's the best!
<Malte> OK, I think we are done then! :)
<Malte> See you next week...
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