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Revision as of 13:44, 16 June 2008 by Tbo (Talk | contribs)

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Brief schedule

Tasks needed now - decide to use drupal 6, or 5.7 - decide if UI is needed for submission: prefered is to just upoad the template and take all data from the template meta data and account settings - upload of several templates in one zip file - decide how to recognize an existing template, and mark as updated; automated, or just manual update of selected template? - make seperate drupal module - disalow to refuse contact via e-mail (e-mail will be hidden via contact formular) - enable different content types for the module, like extensions, templates, .... - info about minimal OOo version needed - info about language of template - taken from document character property; how to recognize same template across different languages? - counter - generic tracking module for code like google analytics - define categories like in OOo template manager

Tasks later - use openofice.org login - migrate extension site to new modules - migrate from extensions login to OOo login - enable 'friends of user' to be able to name another account to do same task for submitted content - use StarOffice Server for generating a screenshot of the template

Tasks optional - breadcrumb/top natigation path like in NetBeans wiki

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