Writer/ToDo/Layout/Multi Page Layout

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This page shows the planning and progress of the Multi Page Layout feature,see i1598.

Specification: Conceptual Problems

These still need to be solved and agreed on before starting the implementation.

LTR vs RTL Text

  • Arabic and other RTL languages
  • Japanese: both LTR/Top-to-Bottom and Top-To-Bottom/RTL within the same document

Multiple Page Sizes

  • is there any use case for multiple page sizes within the same document?

Horizontal Ruler

  • one global horizontal ruler vs multiple rulers


  • where do we position notes:
    • always right vs 'left & right' depending on even/odd page
  • always right
    • disadvantage: notes for left pages will overlap right pages
    • need to plan for additional space between pages
  • right & left side:
    • there will be some empty space both on the right and the left of the screen
    • need possibly more extensive changes to 'Notes'-code
    • for variable-pages-per-row: IF one changes the zoom-level, the number of pages that are displayed will change resulting also in a change in the position of the notes (can be distracting)

Million of other questions

Implementation: Progress/ToDo

  • Evaluate OD's hack and start a first prototype (est. 1 week) DONE
  • Find and resolve problems: (est. 3 weeks)
    • Root frame changes (paste page, cut page, change page format) (est. 1d) DONE
    • Resolve repaint issues of page frame (est. 1d) DONE
    • Cursor Traveling (est. 2d) DONE
    • EmptyPages (est. 1d) DONE
    • Printing (est. 1d) DONE
    • PDF export (est. 1d) DONE
    • Browse View (est. 2d) IN PROGRESS
    • examine DOCUMENTBORDER stuff in sw/source/ui (est. 3d)
    • Why is DOCUMENTBORDER in SwTabColItem? (est. 1d)
    • Object positioning (est. 3d)
    • Ruler? (est. 1d)
    • Accessibility?
    • Screen position depending fields (est. 1d)
    • Consider Max' new notes feature
    • Writer OLE objects (browse view and normal view)
    • 1.000.000 more yet unknown problems (est. 1.000.000d)
  • Define new algorithm to layout pages (SPEC)
  • Implement algorithm (est. 3d)
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