Mac OS X Porting - Apple Remote implementation

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Revision as of 09:37, 13 August 2008 by Ericb (Talk | contribs)

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Apple Remote Implementation

Initial Code is from Martin Kahr. See Martin website


Note: the existing code allows to use the Keyspan remote device. If you have such device, please provide us feedback and help us to make it work


The current idea is to implement the modes described below. If you have a better idea (not too complicated though), please tell us.

1) Mode not presenting (Standard Mode?)

  • Hit |> || symbol (play /pause) starts the presentation
  • Other buttons are inactive in not presenting mode

2) Mode Presentation (Presentation Mode?)

  • Hit Page backward ( |<< symbol ) gives Previous page (if exists)
  • Hit Page forward ( >>| symbol) gives Next page (if exists)
  • Menu key toggles navigator Open/Closed
  • Play/Pause (|> || symbol) play/pause media or automation
  • When not in navigator mode, hold Menu ends the presentation

Make it buildable

Done. With the current code, no warnings, everything is delivered as expected.

Integrate the code in for Mac OS X

Done :

Concerned modules :

  • external (Apple Remote code will be there due to the MIT License )
  • scp2 : libAppleRemotemxi.dylib has to be packaged
  • vcl : MainControler object and notifications are detected by the NSApplication in all its life

Code :

  • created external/AppleRemote tree
  • created the makefile, links against IOKit framework
  • modified prj/build.lst to build external/AppleRemote
  • modified prj/d.lst to deliver the headers in the solver (vcl will need them) and deliver libAppleRemotemxi.dylib
  • build is ok : no warning (fixed the static issue, and all the other warnings , made the code more robust)
  • in vcl : modified the makefile ( linking against libAppleRemotemxi.dylib ), added mpMainController member in SalData ( saldata.hxx ),

initialized mpMainController in the SalData Ctor, added the MainController initialization in initNSApp() (salinst.cxx)

  • Packaging works as expected, and works fine with the new lib included in the archive

Done :

Remote Control initialized, and reports finely all events.

Global Keyboard works

Multi click should work too

Current logs :

Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
System Version 1049
Stored System Version 1049
2008-08-13 11:27:49.513 soffice.bin[13926] RemoteControl initWithDelegate ok
2008-08-13 11:27:49.513 soffice.bin[13926] RemoteControlContainer initWithDelegate ok
2008-08-13 11:27:49.514 soffice.bin[13926] RemoteControl initWithDelegate ok
2008-08-13 11:27:49.516 soffice.bin[13926] [container instantiateAndAddRemoteControlDeviceWithClass: [AppleRemote class]] successfull
2008-08-13 11:27:49.517 soffice.bin[13926] RemoteControlContainer instantiateAndAddRemoteControlDeviceWithClass failed
2008-08-13 11:27:49.518 soffice.bin[13926] [container instantiateAndAddRemoteControlDeviceWithClass: [KeyspanFrontRowControl class]] failed
2008-08-13 11:27:49.518 soffice.bin[13926] RemoteControl initWithDelegate ok
2008-08-13 11:27:49.519 soffice.bin[13926] [container instantiateAndAddRemoteControlDeviceWithClass: [GlobalKeyboardDevice class]] successfull
2008-08-13 11:27:49.519 soffice.bin[13926] MainController init done


The remote is active when one window has the focus. Using the Finder ( Apple + TAB ) deactivates it, and then Front Row becomes again available. The application no longer receives the events when Front Row is active.

Select another application gives :

2008-08-13 11:30:00.241 soffice.bin[13927] stopListening to events... 
2008-08-13 11:30:00.242 soffice.bin[13927] key = RemoteControlDeviceName 
2008-08-13 11:30:00.242 soffice.bin[13927] key = CFBundleIdentifier 
2008-08-13 11:30:00.242 soffice.bin[13927] value = AppleIRController 
2008-08-13 11:30:00.242 soffice.bin[13927] value = org.openoffice.script 
2008-08-13 11:30:00.242 soffice.bin[13927] sendDistributedNotification ...
2008-08-13 11:30:00.242 soffice.bin[13927] Notification posted...
2008-08-13 11:30:00.242 soffice.bin[13927] sendFinishedNotifcationForAppIdentifier ...

Note: the keys are extracted from the userInfo dictionary

Select again in front gives:

2008-08-13 11:32:23.231 soffice.bin[13927] startListening to events... 
2008-08-13 11:32:23.239 soffice.bin[13927] reset... (after listening to remote)
2008-08-13 11:32:23.239 soffice.bin[13927] Apple Remote will become active - Using remote controls

Current work in progress :

  • alias for appleremote in external created by Martin Hollmichel (see issue 92739 )
  • final design for final implementation in progress

Proposed Draft :

Analysis: using Front Row behavior as starting point.

Some definitions: 

A) Normal  mode: 

Either :
- one Impress window is in front (active window) -> gives the focus to the remote, and Impress can be started

- Other application focused (is the active window) -> the remote is disabled: hit the remote won't produce anything to the Impress window.

B) pause: nothing happens, the displayed slide is infinitely displayed, sound (if ever) is stopped.

C) short key stroke: short key hit, inferior to 0,4 second

D) long key stroke: obtained when the key is maintained hit more than 0,4 second 

E) Presentation mode: 

Starting point: fullscreen, slide 1 is displayed, presentation paused (default)

From presentation mode, can be reached any slide, using the menu (used as a right click)

Expected behavior :

[Menu Key] toggle menu key : 

( later: 1) from IMPRESS normal mode : play long proposes a list of presentations (like Front Row does) )

If and only if Impress window is in front (is the active window) => put the active default selected document in paused presentation mode, aka "Fullscreen" mode.

To return in Impress mode :

Either (if in pause) another hit 
or a long stroke returns ends the fullscreen mode, and returns in Impress ( in windowed mode)

2) equivalent to right click -> gives the contextual menu in presentation mode


play : toggle start/pause for the presentation 
play long : toggle presentation mode / normal mode 

[Right] [Left]

In list mode or in menu mode: right left allows to browse the list

presentation mode only:
- normal stroke: right / left :  next slide / previous slide
- long stroke: right/left : got to previous slide/ to next slide *continuously*

Note: go to the first/last slide can be achived using the contextual menu

[+] [-]

Long stroke does not work
Only short one leads to modify the sound level ( what else ? )

starting designing the final binding

Intercept events with the remote, and trace

Adding some NSLog at the right place, we have the numerical values returned by the remote:

  • + as value "2"
  • - is seen as value "4"
  • Menu button is seen as the value "8"
  • |> || (play pause) as value "16"
  • >>| is seen as value "32"
  • <<| is seen as "64"
  • long hold with key Menu (kRemoteButtonMenu_Hold) is seen as value "512"
  • long hold with key Play (kRemoteButtonPlay_Hold) is seen as value "1024"
  • long hold with key Backward (kRemoteButtonLeft_Hold) is seen as value "2048"
  • long hold with key Forward (kRemoteButtonRight_Hold) is seen as value "4096"

Important: when in Front Row mode, the events are seen too, and accordingly to the link below, there is a way to programaticaly enable / disable it.

Do not work :

  • long hold with key Plus (kRemoteButtonPlus_Hold) is seen as value "128"
  • long hold with key Minus (kRemoteButtonMinus_Hold) is seen as value "256"

Added kRemoteButtonNone, for button initialization

Started :

vcl bindin using ImplHandleAppCommand()

Missing (to be added ?) :

// Missing : case kRemoteButtonMenu:

case kRemoteButtonMenu_Hold:

case kRemoteButtonPlay_Hold:

case kRemoteButtonRight_Hold:

case kRemoteButtonLeft_Hold:

case kRemoteControl_Switched:


Done :

case kRemoteButtonPlay

case kRemoteButtonLeft

case kRemoteButtonRight

case kRemoteButtonMinus

case kRemoteButtonPlus


  • bind with vcl events
  • make it work
  • improve
  • make it work also with OOo Presenter extension

XSlideShowController use

Philipp Lohmann presented me Andre Fisher, the specialist of the thing. Andre kindly explained me where start :

From Andre mail :

First you need access to the XSlideShowController.  You get that from a model (document) like this

    Reference<XModel> xModel; // Given.

    Reference<XPresentationSupplier> xPS (
        xModel, UNO_QUERY_THROW);
    Reference<XPresentation2> xP (
        xPS->getPresentation(), UNO_QUERY_THROW);
    Reference<XSlideShowController> xSSC (

The XSlideShowController provides the functionality to change slides and get information about the current slide.

You can find the interfaces in com/sun/star/presentation.

Usefull variables sin the interface ( XSlideShowController.idl )

boolean isRunning() -> are we in presentation mode, or not ? 

long getSlideCount(): returns the number of slides ( are we at the beggining, the end .. ) 

void gotoNextSlide()  -> kRemoteButtonRight 

void gotoPreviousSlide() -> kRemoteButtonLeft

void pause()  // needs some work

void activate() : activates the user interface of the slideshow -> can we use the FrontRow menu ? 

boolean isEndless() : demo, the presentation is running in infinite loop when true

bind with vcl events

=> Work in progress (new events added in the experimental changes)

Make it work


Create the cws and commit

TODO: file the issue, and ask mh the alias to be created. (maybe things are more easy now ?)


  • Did Apple document the API since ?
  • Document how things are working '[started]
  • Does an Impress Controller API exist ?
  • Contact Andre Fisher, the specialist of the thing (said Philipp Lohmann) [done]
  • Find where the events are managed in slideshow (or sd) ? [ask Thorsten]

Code description

Files :


Using different devices

Right now the wrapper ships with support for three devices:

  • AppleRemote: Apple Remote Control
  • KeyspanFrontRowControl: Keyspan RF Remote for FrontRow
  • GlobalKeyboardDevice: Registers global keyboard shortcuts to provide a virtual remote control



HID at

Using the Apple Remote Control

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