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Real name: Mathias Bauer
Born 16.12.1957
Born 16.12.1957
Married, 4 children
Married, 4 children
Living in Hamburg, Germany
Working for Sun Microsystems Inc. in Software Engineering (OpenOffice.org/StarOffice)
Doctor's degree (Dr. rer. nat) in Chemistry
Doctor's degree (Dr. rer. nat) in Chemistry

Revision as of 10:43, 20 May 2008

Real name: Mathias Bauer Born 16.12.1957 Married, 4 children Living in Hamburg, Germany Working for Sun Microsystems Inc. in Software Engineering (OpenOffice.org/StarOffice)

Doctor's degree (Dr. rer. nat) in Chemistry Software developer since ~25 years At the university I worked on magnetic properties of small sized particles and so entered the great world of software development:

- communication software for retrieval of data from spectrometers

- numerical analysis of Mössbauer spectra and other measurement data (non-linear curve fitting, genetic algorithms, numerical integration)

- graphical representation of measurement data

After finishing my studies I decided to stay in software development and joined URW, a German company that was famous for their premier quality fonts and graphical software. I worked on an application for commercial art called "Signus".

In 1995 I joined StarDivision and had the great pleasure to be a part of the team that created the first version of StarOffice. When Sun took over Star Division in 1999, I became a Sun employee. When the OpenOffice.org project was started I became the Project Lead of the Application Framework project. I was heavily involved in the development on the framework API and the extensions infrastructure we built upon it.

Then I got more and more involved with the Writer project and became its project lead in November 2006.

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