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[15:25]  <hdu_hh> ericb2> hi
[15:25]  <hdu_hh> ericb2> hi
[15:26]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: Hi Herbert. Sorry, I was unpolite
[15:26]  <hdu_hh> scrollbar is fixed now and tested under luna/kde/gtk
[15:26]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: I have seen you modified the scrollbar
[15:26]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: good. So you modified common part ?  ( I have not read the changes yet )
[15:26]  <hdu_hh> the "strange" only-top and double-both modes are not supported yet though
[15:27]  <hdu_hh> yes, the common part is modified
[15:27]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: if Double Max  ( Apple(C)  )  and Single are , this is perfect
[15:27]  <hdu_hh> a little only: platforms without support for the new widgets will do "the old thing"
[15:27]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: I have spent a lot of time to fix that, but you helped a lot. thanks !
[15:28]  <hdu_hh> as agreed with ssa and pl we should rewrite the other NWFs to support these new controls too
[15:28]  <hdu_hh> I'll do it "en passant" :-)
[15:29]  <ericb2> hdu_hh:  thanks :)
[15:29]  * ericb2 seen ismael added some new controls
[15:29]  <ericb2> Ismael replaced the old chekboxes and radio buttons by native ones
[15:30]  <ericb2> but this is not aquavclcarbonfixes cws, but aquavcl03
[15:30]  <hdu_hh> so, of the top-5 issues only the listbox thing is not ready...
[15:30]  <ericb2> and does Tino need help for drag and drop ?
[15:31]  <hdu_hh> ericb2: he needs time

Revision as of 13:31, 29 August 2007

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[15:00] <ericb2> Let's start the meeting ?

[15:00] * rbircher_ is now known as rbircher

[15:01] <ericb2> Agenda is : http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_Port_Meetings

[15:01] <ericb2> 1. Welcome new devs joining Mac OS X port

[15:02] <ericb2> \O/ new devs arounds ? \O /

[15:02] * mikesic (n=mikesic@adsl-70-242-31-206.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:03] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to mikesic

[15:03] * lgodard (n=lgodard@gateway.nuxeo.com) has left #ooo_macport

[15:03] <PhilippL> next point ?

[15:04] <ericb2> Hi PhilippL :)

[15:04] <ericb2> 2. Latest Cocoa news ( aquavcl03 news )

[15:04] <PhilippL> ericb2: hi :-)

[15:05] <rbircher> Ah, its meeting

[15:05] <ericb2> rbircher: you're welcome

[15:06] <rbircher> Thanks ericb2

[15:06] * _nesshof_ (n=chatzill@p5B05C33F.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:07] * ssa (n=chatzill@sd-socks-197.staroffice.de) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:07] <ericb2> PhilippL: some news ?

[15:07] <rbircher> and hi at all

[15:07] <PhilippL> no, sorry.

[15:07] <ericb2> ssa: Hi Stephan !

[15:07] * hdu_hh gives channel operator status to ssa

[15:07] <ssa> hi everybody!

[15:07] <ericb2> PhilippL: I hope your holidays were good :)

[15:08] <PhilippL> ericb2: thanks. the only contact i had with cocoa was of the brown, sugary variant.

[15:08] <ssa> ericb2: you already started with the agenda ?

[15:08] paveljanik PhilippL

[15:08] <ericb2> PhilippL: :)

[15:08] <ericb2> ssa: no

[15:08] <PhilippL> ssa: currently it's 2. cocoa news -> no news

[15:08] <ericb2> ssa: this is just the begining

[15:09] <ericb2> well, I have some news from my side

[15:09] <ericb2> not sure it will work, though

[15:09] <ericb2> a big problem we will have with Cocoa version is the .nib creation

[15:10] <ericb2> and I have found a way, I'll demonstrate during OOoCon2007

[15:10] <ericb2> the main work has been done by Rbert Dargaud, alias Bob ( some already know him )

[15:10] <ericb2> the idea is :

[15:10] <ericb2> use .src files

[15:10] <ericb2> turn them into .xml

[15:11] <ericb2> use the .xml to create .nibs

[15:11] <ericb2> the missing part is the controler part

[15:11] <ericb2> and a lot of work has to be done

[15:11] <PhilippL> sounds good :-)

[15:12] <ericb2> some infos are missing, like how connect everything, but I guess we have the ressources

[15:12] <ericb2> To be continued :)

[15:14] <ericb2> mikesic: maybe you can talk about the Mac OS X spellcheker ?

[15:14] <ericb2> PhilippL: I have a question about .src

[15:15] <ericb2> PhilippL: are all windows, dialog boxes ..etc defined by .src, or do we have some exceptions ?

[15:15] <PhilippL> there are exceptions.

[15:16] <ericb2> PhilippL: ok

[15:16] <PhilippL> why ?

[15:17] <ericb2> PhilippL: just for my information

[15:17] <PhilippL> some dialogs are created "by hand" in code, some use xml files (especially component services)

[15:19] <PhilippL> next point ?

[15:19] <rbircher> Sorry, I have not experience in C++ or Cacoa

[15:19] <ericb2> PhilippL: ok. I asked because I'm discovering this face of OpenOffice.org, and this is extremely interesting

[15:19] * hub (n=hub@ has joined #ooo_macport

[15:19] <ericb2> rbircher: no problem, you help us, and everything counts ;)

[15:19] <ericb2> Next point is:

[15:19] <ericb2> 3. Objective-C++: .mm vs. .cxx

[15:19] <rbircher> But why a part of the dialog ar createt bei hand

[15:20] <PhilippL> rbircher: Some code is written in java and therefore cannot use the c++ resource system.

[15:21] <PhilippL> rbircher: then there are some dialogs that are resizeable, which vcl has no support for and these need to position their controls themselves anyway (e.g. the file picker)

[15:21] <PhilippL> .mm vc. .cxx: what point is in the move ? we'll lose the cvs history this way.

[15:22] <rbircher> ok, its only for interesting

[15:22] <ericb2> PhilippL: is the history of Aqua part so long ?

[15:22] <PhilippL> aside from that I don't really care, "a rose by any other name ..." and such.

[15:22] <ericb2> PhilippL: just asking myself

[15:22] <ericb2> PhilippL: yes, the point is: if this is better, we have to use it

[15:23] <ericb2> PhilippL: historically, it was the first approach

[15:23] <PhilippL> ericb2: so what is "better" ?

[15:23] <ericb2> PhilippL: good question :)

[15:23] <mikesic> I have tried to change to .mm, and I found its not simply a matter of changing the extension. The compiler seems to treat the files differently, and I get a whole new set of errors. (Which I haven't had time to fix for .mm)

[15:23] <ericb2> PhilippL: and Florian, who asked to debate, is not there. [15:24] <PhilippL> Then we should postpone this decision and continue discussion on the mailing list.

[15:24] <mikesic> +1

[15:24] <ericb2> PhilippL: agreed

[15:24] <PhilippL> next point ?

[15:25] <ericb2> 4. a point on Top 5 of issues before Alpha ( to be shipped during OOoCon 2007 )

[15:25] <ericb2> hdu_hh: ?

[15:25] <rbircher> Yes next point

[15:25] <hdu_hh> ericb2> hi

[15:26] <ericb2> hdu_hh: Hi Herbert. Sorry, I was unpolite

[15:26] <hdu_hh> scrollbar is fixed now and tested under luna/kde/gtk

[15:26] <ericb2> hdu_hh: I have seen you modified the scrollbar

[15:26] <ericb2> hdu_hh: good. So you modified common part ? ( I have not read the changes yet )

[15:26] <hdu_hh> the "strange" only-top and double-both modes are not supported yet though

[15:27] <hdu_hh> yes, the common part is modified

[15:27] <ericb2> hdu_hh: if Double Max ( Apple(C) ) and Single are , this is perfect

[15:27] <hdu_hh> a little only: platforms without support for the new widgets will do "the old thing"

[15:27] <ericb2> hdu_hh: I have spent a lot of time to fix that, but you helped a lot. thanks !

[15:28] <hdu_hh> as agreed with ssa and pl we should rewrite the other NWFs to support these new controls too

[15:28] <hdu_hh> I'll do it "en passant" :-)

[15:29] <ericb2> hdu_hh: thanks :)

[15:29] * ericb2 seen ismael added some new controls

[15:29] <ericb2> Ismael replaced the old chekboxes and radio buttons by native ones

[15:30] <ericb2> but this is not aquavclcarbonfixes cws, but aquavcl03

[15:30] <hdu_hh> so, of the top-5 issues only the listbox thing is not ready...

[15:30] <ericb2> and does Tino need help for drag and drop ?

[15:31] <hdu_hh> ericb2: he needs time

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