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[15:01]  <shaunmcdonald> Meeting time?
[15:03]  <hdu_hh> shaunmcdonald: ok with me
[15:03]  <ericb2> ok
[15:04]  <ericb2> befre to start, I think the Agenda is outdated
[15:04]  <ericb2> -befre +before
[15:06]  <shaunmcdonald> probably
[15:06]  <ericb2> nobody maintained ?
[15:06]  * shaunmcdonald would like to add the usage of the mac@porting list to the agenda
[15:07]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: we didn't know what was coming up
[15:07]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: I think a simple post, will be sufficient
[15:07]  <ericb2> Agenda for 15th August 2007 meeting
[15:07]  <ericb2> 1. Welcome new devs joining Mac OS X port
[15:08]  <ericb2> New devs around ?
[15:08]  <ericb2> wolfe: want to join the port ?
[15:09]  * ericb2 modified the agenda : http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_Port_Meetings#Next_Meeting
[15:09]  <hdu_hh> ericb2> thank you
[15:12]  * hdu_hh doesn't think new devs are here today
[15:15]  <ericb2> Next point ?
[15:15]  <shaunmcdonald> 2. Latest Aqua news (aquavcl02 status, ...) / Work in progress
[15:15]  <ericb2> Great news : aquavcl02 has been integrated
[15:15]  <ericb2> now, build m225 using the correct flags is enough to have an aqua build
[15:16]  * ericb2 modified the AquaBuild page in this purpose: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/AquaBuild
[15:16]  <ericb2> any help is welcome
[15:18]  <ericb2> was the Cocoa migration discussed in the previous meeting ?
[15:19]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: there was a short quick overview of the cocoa migration by someone from sun
[15:20]  <shaunmcdonald> Is the X11SDK still needed for the aqua build?
[15:20]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: I have documented everything here : http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/AquaPortCocoa/Changelog
[15:20]  <hdu_hh> this must have been PL, he's on vacation now
[15:20]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: but the wiki page is outdated : I need help for the comments
[15:20]  <shaunmcdonald> hdu_hh: he mentioned that
[15:21]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: unfortunately when I done the clean install I included X11 in the install
[15:21]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: sadly, yes. There is a madness in configure and that's not yet possible to pass the X11SDK from Xcode path yet :-/
[15:21]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: just install the SDK
[15:21]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: btw, I think we can try to enable Mozilla build for aqua, then macros will start to work
[15:22]  <shaunmcdonald> I still use X11 for the GIMP sometimes
[15:22]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: http://ftp.cusoo.org/MacOSX/Utilities/Intel/
[15:22]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: not the last version -> works fine
[15:23]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: mozilla is a pain to build on the mac since it is so old an version that is required for ooo
[15:23]  * shaunmcdonald thinks it's time to move to a newer version of moz to make our life easier
[15:23]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: we can use prebuild archives ?
[15:24]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: then Mozilla is enabled, and xmlsec too `
[15:24]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: that is an option
[15:24]  <shaunmcdonald> but I've never managed to build them
[15:24]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: I did since the begining of Intel
[15:24]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: last aqua news ?
[15:25]  <shaunmcdonald> I have built firefox a year or so back, but that was a newer version
[15:25]  * mprove_ (n=mprove@A28af.a.pppool.de) has joined #ooo_macport
[15:25]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: do your mozilla archive not work on both X11 and aqua builds of ooo?
[15:25]  * mikesic has quit ()
[15:25]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: never tested, but IMHO, if the Xlib is only needed at buildtime, we can try
[15:26]  <hdu_hh> debugging crashes, starting OTF support for all platforms, working on drawing layer primitive support, internationalization,
revieweing patches...
[15:26]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: uff.  :)
[15:27]  <hdu_hh> mostly crossplattform stuff, except the crashes
[15:28]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: I'm sure that when I done aqua builds the only change I done compared to X11 builds was to remove the --with-x
from the configure line, thus including your mozilla libs
[15:28]  <shaunmcdonald> hdu_hh: what is OTF support?
[15:28]  <hdu_hh> shaunmcdonald ps opentype embedding into pdf and for printing
[15:29]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: wow great :)
[15:29]  <shaunmcdonald> hdu_hh: 8)
[15:29]  <ericb2> I'll try to add the infos I have about aquavcl03
[15:29]  <hdu_hh> we'll also have to change Writer etc for other Latin CTL e.g. Zapfino
[15:30]  * mprove_ has quit ("Good night and good luck")
[15:30]  <ericb2> since aquavcl02 is integrated, aquavcl03 is started. The objective is Cocoa migration
[15:30]  <ericb2> for event loop, frames, event windowing, strings , menus and more I forgot
[15:31]  * mprove has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:31]  <ericb2> the concerned modules are ( at this time) : vcl, solenv, and instsetoo_native
[15:31]  <ericb2> mainly vcl uses Objective C++ flags
[15:32]  <ericb2> and if you want to add a module ( e.g. lingucomponent for native spellchecker), this is described on the wiki page I gave the link above
[15:32]  * mprove (n=mprove@A28af.a.pppool.de) has joined #ooo_macport
[15:33]  <ericb2> work in progress are: drag and drop ( tino), native spellchecker (michael), macaddress book integration (florian), Aqua controls
(ismael), and me, for a lot lof little things or bugs
[15:34]  <ericb2> s/work in progress/other work in progress/
[15:34]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: pl and you are doing most of the work
[15:34]  <hdu_hh> everything counts
[15:35]  <ericb2> that's all what I have for today
[15:35]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: Sure. Missing; I'll learn -seriously-  english and german starting end september ;)
[15:36]  <ericb2> Next point ?
[15:36]  <hdu_hh> ericb2> really? do you want to understand the comments in the old code? :-)
[15:37]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: I have lost a very good german since I don't speak often, and my english is too bad: I want to progress :)
[15:37]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: sice the time I scheduled, I'll do this year
[15:37]  <ericb2> since
[15:38]  <ericb2> Next point is 3. Top 5 of issues before Alpha ( OOoCon 2007 )
[15:38]  <hdu_hh> I see. Regarding reading old german comments: even we native speakers understand many of them unless we reverse engineer the
[15:39]  <hdu_hh> understand -> don"t understand
[15:40]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: document, document document ... (  Steve Ballmer like ) ;)
[15:41]  <hdu_hh> ericb2: do you already have a top-x issue list?
[15:41]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: I have
[15:41]  <ericb2> Like for first development snapshot, I propose a Top 5 of issues ( or Top 10 if needed ) before alpha
[15:42]  <hdu_hh> so you"re suggesting to fix them in aquavcl03 and then close the CWS?
[15:42]  <hdu_hh> and continue with aquavcl04?
[15:42]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: I'd prefer see a new cws
[15:42]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: and provide Carbon version
[15:43]  <hdu_hh> ericb2: ok. The new CWS based on Carbon?
[15:43]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: exactly : m225 + fixes
[15:43]  <hdu_hh> ah, I see..
[15:44]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: aquavcl03 will integrate them progressively after resync
[15:44]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: no matter if the alpha version is not an exact release, but just an exact milestone
[15:44]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: aquavcl03 is for cocoa migration
[15:44]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: indeed
[15:45]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: so the m225 + fixes would be aquavcl04?
[15:45]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: yes, or macalpha or whatever :)
[15:45]  <hdu_hh> or carbonfixes...
[15:46]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: yes :)
[15:46]  <shaunmcdonald> so what is to go inside this CWS?
[15:47]  <ericb2> first issue is black frame: fixed in aquavcl03 -> just a backport imho
[15:47]  <ericb2> second issue to be fixed: bad scrollbar behaviour ( issue 77549 )
[15:47]  <shaunmcdonald> doesn't that cause resync issues?
[15:47]  <IZBot> porting DEFECT STARTED P3 Scrollbar - vcl control areas not correctly superposed with aqua areas on scrollbar http://
[15:48]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: if we add the changes both in aquavcl03 and Carbonfixes, it should be ok
[15:48]  <hdu_hh> shaunmcdonald: maybe some easy merge conflicts, but nothing special
[15:48]  <shaunmcdonald> hdu_hh: ok
[15:49]  <shaunmcdonald> as long as someone is happy with them
[15:49]  <ericb2> other issues:
[15:49]  <ericb2> listboxes not drawn correctly ( m225 Aqua ) ->  issue 80704
[15:49]  <IZBot> porting DEFECT NEW P3 listboxes not drawn correctly ( m225 Aqua ) http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=80704
[15:49]  <hdu_hh> a trick to reduce conflicts: use cvs update -j -j to move fixes to other CWS
[15:49]  <ericb2> combo boxes not drawn correctly -> issue 80701
[15:49]  <IZBot> porting DEFECT NEW P3 combo boxes not drawn correctly http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=80701
[15:49]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: thanks :)
[15:50]  <ericb2> popup menus not drawn correctly when scrolling : the baseline is missing when scrolling down
[15:51]  * ericb2 forgot the issue number
[15:51]  <hdu_hh> and don"t forget the -kk option when joining fixes
[15:52]  <ericb2> important issue :  drag and drop ( issue 79620 )
[15:52]  <IZBot> porting TASK STARTED P3 Implement Drag&Drop for OOo on Mac OS X http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=79620
[15:53]  <ericb2> if you see other issues, please complete
[15:53]  <hdu_hh> ericb2: is there already a link from the Aquabuild wiki to the top-X list?
[15:53]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: not yet
[15:54]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald , hdu_hh: I think we will have to add something on mac website too
[15:54]  <ericb2> + a post on mac@porting list
[15:54]  <ericb2> to advertise people on vacation
[15:54]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: about the top 5?
[15:55]  <shaunmcdonald> ericb2: that would make a good news item
[15:55]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: yes: Top 5 before alpha
[15:55]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: sure
[15:55]  <shaunmcdonald> just like for the top ten
[15:55]  <shaunmcdonald> when do we want the release?
[15:56]  <shaunmcdonald> do you have an issue to track the changes before release
[15:56]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: not yet. Will you create one ?
[15:57]  <ericb2> do you see other important issues before alpha ?
[15:58]  <ericb2> the list can be 6 or 7 .. why not
[15:58]  <shaunmcdonald> so when will the alpha release be?
[15:58]  <shaunmcdonald> ooocon2007?
[15:58]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: once the issues fixed. We expect for OOocon2007
[15:59]  <shaunmcdonald> so maybe earlier
[15:59]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: don't expect the changes to be integrated too early
[15:59]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: and time goes fast
[15:59]  <shaunmcdonald> ok so we will aim for ooocon2007
[15:59]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: I'm crossing the fingers
[16:00]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: but I can't tell you more today: the work ahas to be done
[16:00]  <hdu_hh> ericb2: with 2.3 soon I don"t expect it to be integrated into master before OOocon
[16:00]  <shaunmcdonald> hdu_hh: 2.3 has already been branched
[16:00]  <shaunmcdonald> hdu_hh: so there shouldn't be a problem
[16:00]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: does it matter if we provide one or two milestones after 2.3.0 ?
[16:01]  <shaunmcdonald> it won't be in 2.3
[16:01]  <ericb2> hdu_hh: end users don't really care
[16:01]  <shaunmcdonald> but will be in the milestones
[16:01]  <ericb2> shaunmcdonald: yes, only provide complete milestone

Revision as of 14:04, 15 August 2007

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