Difference between revisions of "User:Ericb/Salctype.hxx"

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Latest revision as of 11:23, 25 March 2010

Defines marcro for the CVT for different types of graphics :

CVT_UNKNOWN	(0x00000000UL)
CVT_BMP		(0x00000001UL)
CVT_GIF		(0x00000002UL)
CVT_JPG		(0x00000003UL)
CVT_MET		(0x00000004UL)
CVT_PCT		(0x00000005UL)
CVT_PNG		(0x00000006UL)
CVT_SVM		(0x00000007UL)
CVT_TIF		(0x00000008UL)
CVT_WMF		(0x00000009UL)
CVT_EMF		(0x0000000aUL) 

Reminder : CVT is a a collection of datasets of points generated by an M-dimensional Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation [1]

ConvertData class

to be continued...

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