ReleaseStatus Minutes 2007-12-10 IRC log
(14:56:40) ja_: hi
(14:58:19) paveljanik: Hi
(14:58:25) xiuzhi [n=Administ@] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:59:26) mdamboldt_away heißt jetzt mdamboldt
(15:01:02) kso [i=kso@nat/sun/x-fe9d5eb5d9e150cd] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:02:23) mdamboldt: Hi
(15:02:31) ***ja_ is waiting some minutes until everyone is there
(15:03:20) rtimm [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:03:49) blauwal [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:04:09) ***ja_ believes we can begin now
(15:04:35) ja_: Martin Hollmichel will not take part today
(15:04:44) ja_: 2.3.1 status: en-US, de, fr, ru, ja, pl and it have been released. As far as I know there are currently no known issues regarding distribution. All Bouncer related issues of localizations that use Bouncer seem to be resolved
(15:05:18) _rene_: can we next time please do something to not have to wait for the bouncer if we want to release?
(15:06:56) ja_: from my perspective it would be good to have at least one day left for the technical release before the 'marketing release' is announced just to be sure that everything works out of the box
(15:08:58) ja_: It was not planned to have a process running mad on the OSUOSL server which caused that new Bouncer entries weren't tracked as they should
(15:10:39) ja_: any other ideas how to avoid such problems ?
(15:10:41) Fridrich: and me I was thinking that it was an intention :-)
(15:10:49) ja_: :)
(15:12:55) Fridrich: who is doing releases this week?
(15:13:41) rtimm: If you mean RE: that's Kurt (kz).
(15:14:13) rtimm: If we have two builds, the other one will be done by Heiner (hr, blauwal)
(15:14:42) rtimm: So, what do we think: split off OOH680 now or later?
(15:14:54) Fridrich: ok, how we stand with branching/not-branching?
(15:15:08) paveljanik: do we have many cwses ready for 3.0?
(15:15:44) MechtiIde: do we use SRC680 for 3.0?
(15:15:58) rtimm: Difficult to say. Only one approved with target 3.0.
(15:16:34) rtimm: OTOH a couple of approved CWSs have not been nominated for last milestone, I do not know Martins intention
(15:16:34) Fridrich: exactly, there will be also some rescheduled, but IMHO, waiting more before branching cannot be bad at this point of time
(15:17:01) blauwal: paveljanik: One is not enough. Per definitionem we need at least two which are dependent on each other ... :)
(15:17:13) Fridrich: the late branching was quite a winning strategy for 2.3, so ...
(15:17:24) Fridrich: as oposed to the early one for 2.2
(15:17:58) rtimm: From my point of view all approved childworkpsaces should either get nominated or retargeted. Not just let them hang in the queue
(15:18:03) blauwal: Fridrich: can't remember that there were significant differences, though
(15:18:31) Fridrich: blauwal: a skew of 4 weeks and constant cloning of CWSes for 2.2
(15:18:45) Fridrich: blauwal: m14 being a release of 2.2
(15:19:26) blauwal: Fridrich: well the cloning is only a problem for RE ...
(15:20:58) rtimm: Fridrich: OOF680 m8 has been the first RC. Later ones do not count here. (Otherwise you are right though ...)
(15:21:36) rtimm: So, what do we decide?
(15:22:01) Fridrich: I propose to wait after 239 and see how the quality is
(15:22:39) ja_: For target 3.0 I only see one CWS (supdremove) with status Approved or Nominated. I think this is not enough.
(15:22:45) MechtiIde: why do we need a so early branch? Is it for 3.0. Is 3.0 also a branch of SRC680?
(15:22:46) ja_: I plan to upload SRC680_m239 later today
(15:23:10) Fridrich: would be nice to have all not-ui 2.4 tagged CWS in before going OOH680
(15:23:12) rtimm: ja_: So why did not Martin nominate those others?
(15:23:12) blauwal: I can easily wait another week: +1
(15:23:25) MechtiIde: something like OOI_mX?
(15:23:28) Fridrich: + 0xffffffffffffffffffffff
(15:23:46) Fridrich: unsigned
(15:23:57) UweL: +1
(15:24:18) _rene_: +1
(15:24:33) _rene_: branch as late as possible
(15:24:51) ja_: branch as early as necessary
(15:24:52) rtimm: +1
(15:25:13) paveljanik: +1
(15:25:40) ***rtimm means: +1 for wait, as I do not see the need for a branch now
(15:26:07) _rene_: ja_: early as neceessary and as late as possible :)
(15:26:09) Fridrich: rtimm: I like your opinions :-)
(15:26:30) rtimm: Fridrich: as long as they match yours ... ;-)
(15:27:05) ja_: OK, any other topics for today
(15:27:36) ja_: ?
(15:27:47) rtimm: ja_: will you or Martin or whoever please take care for correctly retargetting childworkspaces to 3.0 if they are not appropriate for 2.4?
(15:28:13) rtimm: Otherwise we cannot judge about what is really needed.
(15:29:03) ja_: yes. we do
(15:29:14) rtimm: thanks
(15:29:39) rtimm: ja_: no other topics from my side
(15:29:58) _rene_: y be in... hyphenexternal fixes a license unclarity, too..
(15:30:02) _rene_: bah
(15:30:22) _rene_: ja_: please do *not* retarget hunspell or hunspellexternal. they got delayed from QA and should already be in... hyphenexternal fixes a license unclarity, too... configure22 should be obvious for 2.4
(15:31:30) ja_: _rene_: I'll keep it in mind
(15:31:43) _rene_: s/hunspell /hunspell2 /
(15:32:27) ja_: any other topics ?
(15:32:46) UweL: no
(15:33:42) blauwal: no
(15:34:16) ja_: Then thank you for being here! Bye.
(15:34:36) paveljanik: bye
(15:34:50) mdamboldt: bye
(15:34:52) mdamboldt hat den Raum verlassen
(15:34:52) kso hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Leaving").
(15:35:30) xiuzhi hat den Raum verlassen
(15:35:59) rtimm: bye
(15:36:48) Fridrich: bye
(15:37:33) UweL: bye
(15:37:37) UweL hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "ChatZilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]").