ReleaseStatus Minutes 2007-10-15 IRC log
Conversation with #oooreleases at 2007-10-15 14:57:40 on (irc)
(14:58:32) mod__ [] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:58:33) paveljanik: Hi
(14:58:54) blauwal [] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:59:07) kso [i=kso@nat/sun/x-482d84d57d2c8679] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:59:59) _Nesshof_ [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:15) ja_ [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:21) ja_: hi
(15:00:51) stefan_b: Hi!
(15:01:18) _Nesshof_: looks like also rene and fridrich are here from the beginning today ;-)
(15:01:38) _rene_: jup :)
(15:01:41) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: looks like that exceptionally
(15:02:05) _Nesshof_: review of 2.3.1 issues
(15:02:45) _Nesshof_: any new issue to raise for 2.3.1
(15:02:47) _Nesshof_: ?
(15:02:58) paveljanik: yup
(15:03:03) rtimm: I have been asked whether issue 82593 gets accepted for 2.3.1 and whether it could be done as master fix.
(15:03:07) paveljanik: Dutch team wants to have their updated dictionary merged in.
(15:03:26) paveljanik: no izbot here.
(15:03:47) _rene_: _Nesshof_: I have one, wait a moment..
(15:04:07) stefan_b: I have another one for 2.3.1. Issue 82069.
(15:04:10) _rene_: when you build with system-python you need Python.h
(15:04:12) paveljanik: #i82593# is --with-vendor="$BUILDER" confugure parameter and the spaces
(15:04:23) paveljanik: +1 for #i82593#
(15:04:30) _rene_: there is a non-working check in configure currently, which makes the build fail when it isn't there
(15:04:41) blauwal: +1
(15:04:45) _rene_: I have a tiny patch for that (no issue filed that)
(15:04:47) _rene_:
(15:04:52) _rene_: would that be ok for 2.3.1?
(15:04:59) _rene_: s/that/yet/
(15:05:00) paveljanik: 82069 is DF export for Type1 symbol fonts has wrong glyph widths
(15:05:04) paveljanik: PDF...
(15:05:23) stefan_b: paveljanik, yes. HDU has fix ready. Fixing regression in 2.3
(15:05:26) paveljanik: _rene_: +1 for Python issue.
(15:05:34) paveljanik: stefan_b: +1 for hdu's fix
(15:05:35) blauwal: +1 for Python issue
(15:06:07) UweL: +1 for hdu
(15:06:12) Fridrich: +1
(15:06:14) rtimm: _rene_: +1 for your patch
(15:06:36) _rene_: then I have Issue 81613
(15:06:54) paveljanik: 79051 is for }Dutch dictionary.
(15:07:06) _rene_: I think this has to be fixed, given that the internal curl is ancient and system-curl is common. And when it fails with the current curl....
(15:07:06) blauwal: +1 for hdu
(15:07:47) stefan_b: Done, changed target for HDUs issue with PDF to 2.3.1
(15:08:14) ja_: +1 for 82069 and 82593
(15:08:33) _rene_: paveljanik, blauwal, rtimm: ok, thanks. will create cws asap
(15:10:07) mdamboldt: Are we complete with the one from _rene_?
(15:11:03) paveljanik: _rene_: ?
(15:11:18) _rene_: paveljanik: cws allowcurloldies, you remember?
(15:11:42) _rene_: paveljanik: or do you refer to the Python one?
(15:11:55) paveljanik: _rene_: yup. +1 for your curl issue as well.
(15:12:35) ja_: +1 for the dutch dictionaries
(15:12:43) stefan_b: +1 for issue 79051 (Dutch spellchecker) I believe Simon knows what hes doing :-)
(15:13:03) paveljanik: yes, +1 for it as well
(15:13:11) blauwal: +1 for curl stuff
(15:13:21) ja_: and +1 for cws allowcurloldies
(15:13:31) mdamboldt: I've a couple of issues for 2.3.1, let's start with this one:
(15:13:31) mdamboldt: issue 76395 Printing of handouts only includes very low-res version of embedded bitmap graphics - Status already fixed and verfied
(15:13:39) blauwal: +1 for ductch spellchecker as well
(15:14:38) paveljanik: mdamboldt: +1
(15:15:08) _rene_: +1 from me for the dutch spelling, too
(15:15:15) blauwal: mdamboldt: is that a risky change? If not ... +1
(15:15:27) ja_: +1 for that regression
(15:15:39) bettina-h: +1
(15:15:40) mdamboldt: blauwal: the risk is ok
(15:16:09) mdamboldt: issue 82622 Crash when pasting a text table (old table model) as HTML into new text document - Status already fixed and verfied
(15:17:00) ja_: +1 for that regression
(15:17:18) mdamboldt: issue 82622 contains a kind of follow-up / complete fix for a 76959 we fixed for 2.3
(15:17:24) blauwal: it'S a regression, yes? +1
(15:17:35) mdamboldt: blauwal: yes
(15:17:38) _rene_: +1 for hdu/mdamboldts issues
(15:17:43) paveljanik: +1
(15:18:07) _rene_: +1 also for --with-vendor
(15:18:20) mdamboldt: issue 82624 User interface: When setting the scaling to more than 100% the letters are not readable - Status already fixed and verfied
(15:18:24) _rene_: (be it as cws or masterfix)
(15:18:36) mdamboldt: 82624 a regression, too
(15:19:31) ja_: mdambold: the issue doesn't have a regression keyword, but anyhow +1
(15:19:31) blauwal: 82624: +1
(15:19:38) bettina-h: +1
(15:19:43) kso: +1
(15:19:49) UweL: +1
(15:19:52) stefan_b: +1
(15:19:52) mdamboldt: issue 82628 Files with Cyrillic characters in their names cannot be opened via the MS Windows Explorer - Status already fixed and verfiedja:
(15:20:35) mdamboldt: ja: good point regarding 82624, will check
(15:21:20) ja_: +1 for 82628
(15:22:00) kso: +1
(15:22:07) bettina-h: +1
(15:22:10) mdamboldt: issue 82626 In the imported MS PowerPoint file the lines with arrows do not start at the correct point - Status already fixed and verfied
(15:22:18) _rene_: Python issue is now 82630 fwiw
(15:22:37) stefan_b: +1 for 82628
(15:22:57) UweL: +1
(15:23:28) mdamboldt: ----- those are all from my side for today ----
(15:23:46) ja_: +1 for 82626
(15:24:09) paveljanik: +1 for all.
(15:24:11) blauwal: Let's ask an easier question: anyone any objection to any of the mentioned issues?
(15:24:18) blauwal: +1 for all
(15:24:22) paveljanik: ;-)
(15:24:22) _Nesshof_: ja, any news from the Spanish community wrt 2.3
(15:24:32) _rene_: +1 for all
(15:24:50) Fridrich: +1
(15:24:52) Fridrich: +1
(15:24:55) Fridrich: +1
(15:24:58) Fridrich: in the order
(15:25:04) rtimm: :-)
(15:25:55) ja_: _Nesshof_: I did not hear anything negative from Alexandro Colorado again regarding their thoughts to roll-back to 2.2.0
(15:25:58) rtimm: paveljanik: concerning the dutch dicts (+1 BTW): will you do that in one of your CWSs?
(15:26:26) paveljanik: rtimm: I'll do separate cws just for this.
(15:26:36) paveljanik: probably based on OOG680.
(15:26:49) rtimm: Fine.
(15:27:43) rtimm: _Nesshof_: when will you start nominating for m7 (which was scheduled for last thursday)?
(15:28:26) _Nesshof_: I started right now, fighting with EIS adminstration
(15:30:01) _Nesshof_: rtimm: first one is nominated
(15:30:35) rtimm: I see. swlayout01
(15:31:22) _Nesshof_: anything else for today ?
(15:31:23) rtimm: RE this week: Oliver (obo) on OOG680, Ivo (ihi) on SRC
(15:31:45) paveljanik: nothing from me
(15:31:50) ja_: nfo: Today I've emailed all category 1 mirror admins to ask them if it would be possible to add more disk space to the regular mirrors. If I get positive feedback from most of them then it'll be easier to provide the builds.
(15:32:27) _rene_: paveljanik: cws pythonhcheck RfQA :)
(15:32:37) paveljanik: ok
(15:32:40) stefan_b: paveljanik, I just refused issue 72358 for 2.3.1. You are on CC. It was about "better" polish autocorrect files.
(15:33:02) stefan_b: "Better" is far from "2.3.1 requirement.
(15:33:30) stefan_b: Issue title "files corrupted" was "reused" (IMHO misused :-)
(15:33:33) _rene_: stefan_b: unless "Better" means "correcting bogus ones"
(15:33:48) _rene_: stefan_b: (not that I know whether this applies here, but..)
(15:33:58) paveljanik: stefan_b: +1
(15:34:09) stefan_b: _rene_, see above. Current state is "it works"
(15:34:33) stefan_b: thx. see details in description.
(15:34:42) UweL: +1, for stefan_b
(15:35:56) ja_: +1 for issue 72358
(15:36:12) ja_: not to incude it
(15:36:21) stefan_b: ja_, exactly :-)
(15:36:28) _rene_: stefan_b: hey, I've said I don't know the exact things for this. just wanted to say that. Because (imho) even if it works, but it works bad it'd be 2.3.1-candidate imho if it's important to support polish correctly.
(15:36:48) _rene_: stefan_b: but as said, I didn't look close enough to judge that, so...
(15:37:36) stefan_b: _rene_, there is a wide range between "support" and "world class top support". The latter is NOT a justification for 2.3.1
(15:37:50) stefan_b: otherwise you'd be having "too many issues".
(15:37:52) _rene_: correct. I didn't say that :)
(15:38:39) stefan_b: _rene_, OK :-)
(15:38:41) _rene_: but there's a difference between support and support although it doesn't really work. In the latter case it'd be a 2.3.1 candidate imho.
(15:39:07) stefan_b: _rene_, pls see the description in that one.
(15:39:30) _rene_: stefan_b: well, I believe you when you say that this example isn't (as said, I didn't look close)
(15:40:46) rtimm: So we are all in agreement here. Can we close that topic?
(15:41:41) stefan_b: Ooops I have one more: Issue 81970...
(15:42:09) stefan_b: Euro-Symbol not exported to PFD. I believe this is an easy decission...
(15:42:16) stefan_b: PDF...
(15:42:48) _rene_: yes, +1
(15:43:11) UweL: +1
(15:43:13) ja_: +1 for that regression
(15:43:23) bettina-h: +1
(15:43:41) blauwal: +1
(15:44:05) kso: +1
(15:44:13) rtimm: +1
(15:45:18) stefan_b: Thx. Target changed for issue 81970 ("Export to PDF for symbol glyphs in PDF-builtin fonts (i.e. EURO symbol)")
(15:47:09) stefan_b: Are there any more topics?
(15:47:29) stefan_b: me, not.
(15:47:32) ja_: not from me
(15:48:23) _Nesshof_: closing for today ?
(15:48:32) UweL: +1
(15:48:37) rtimm: _Nesshof_: +1
(15:48:42) stefan_b: +1
(15:48:42) paveljanik: bye
(15:48:44) mdamboldt: bye
(15:48:48) stefan_b: bye
(15:48:50) rtimm: bye
(15:48:52) kso: bye
(15:48:54) ja_: bye bye
(15:48:56) kso hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Leaving").
(15:49:09) bettina-h: bye
(15:49:19) ja_ hat den Raum verlassen
(15:50:20) blauwal hat den Raum verlassen ("Leaving").
(15:52:40) mod__ hat den Raum verlassen
(15:58:48) rtimm hat den Raum verlassen