I inserted a song in my presentation, but when I change slide the music stops. How do I play music throughout a presentation?

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I inserted a song in my presentation, but when I change slide the music stops. How do I play music throughout a presentation?

To play music across multiple slides, insert the music as slide transition effect following these simple steps:

  • In the task pane on the right hand side of the screen select the Slide transition tab.
  • In the Modify transition section click drop down menu next to Sound and select the file containing the desired music (you may need to select "Other sound" in the drop down menu and browse the contents of your hard disk).
  • If you wish the music to restart check the Loop until next sound box. If you want to stop the music at a certain slide, create a new transition selecting no sound.
  • Do not select the Apply to all slides button otherwise the music will re-start at every slide change.

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