VCL TestTool/Standalone VCL TestTool

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Revision as of 08:59, 4 September 2007 by Tbo (Talk | contribs)

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The standalone version is a package with just the VCL TestTool binaries. All needed libraries are extracted from a complete OOo binary version and so it is just about 60MB in size. This is done, to keep this TestTool on your computer and use it for testing OOo. We strongly not recommend on using the TestTool version from the OOo package that comes with every build. We want to test OOo and not the TestTool - and thus you have to keep some things constant to be sure the found errors are in the OOo application and not in the TestTool! It sometimes happen, that changes to OOo break the TestTool - some are obvious, some not.

How to build your own stand alone TestTool:

  • Some excuse: it is an old perl script ;-)
  • You find it in cvs:
  • You need a file with the needed files for your platform file*.txt
There already exist some that you may use as template:
filelinx.txt, fileosx.txt, filesoli.txt, filesols.txt, filewin.txt
  • You further need either an OOo installation or the build directories;
  • You start the creation by calling the script with some parameters: file...txt /office_installation/ /createhere/
  • The script is a little dumb, so please respect the following:
    • All paths have to end with the path seperator
    • If you create from an office installation, don't include the program directory, use the path with out program directory
not home/OOo2.3/program/, -> use home/OOo2.3/
    • If you use an build environment, use the lib path: /SRX644/
  • At the end the missing libraries are reported;
  • If you used an OOo installation you miss the icon package; download here and extrakt into your testtool directory
  • You end up with the directory and a tar file; The tar file is just for easy extracting in another place, since it keeps the symlinks.
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