VCLTesttool 2.4

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Revision as of 08:49, 4 September 2007 by Tbo (Talk | contribs)

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Since the time got too short to introduce a new VCL TestTool for testing OOo 2.3 new VCL TestTool for testing OOo 2.3 we will go on now at the beginning of the OOo 2.4 tree to get a new testtool.

We tested the CWS gh13 with all available test scripts. Now we want to use the VCL TestTool based on SRC680m226 as the new default testtool for OOo 2.4. It is currently declared as beta version.

Beta testing

Since we found almost all regressions by testing the CWS gh13 we will reduce testing for this version. In the beta testing phase Hamburg StarOffice qa automation team will run the next master category test on the platforms for SRC680. It will take some time to start and evaluate the results, since OOo 2.3 is currently tested for release. Everybody else may also test the testtool version and report errors regarding the VCL TestTool application.

The beta test binaries succeeded the first.bas and topten.bas tests.

Currently existing downloadable VCL testtool binaries (SRC680m226)

These are Standalone VCL_TestTool binaries.
Platform / Download Master Tester Category Status
Solaris Intel MSC not yet available
Solaris Sparc JSI beta test
Linux FHA beta test
Windows HDE beta test
MacOS X PPC Aqua Tester needed beta test
MacOS X Intel Aqua Tester needed not yet available
MacOS X PPC X11 same binary as PPC Aqua

Binaries are taken from Sun StarOffice builds, exept:

MacOS X: they are based on Nakata Maho's builds

After the testtool is declared as final, this version will be used by Hamburg StarOffice qa team, and it is the reference for everybody else; If you find a bug or issue with an testtool other than the final testtool version you have to verify if it also comes up with the reference testtool.

Errors found during beta testing

Please insert the issues here.

Finished testing

Insert finishing date here and announce in qa-dev

Check list

  • create standalone binaries (TBO started 03.09.2007)
  • run topten.bas and first.bas (TBO started 03.09.2007)
  • checkin changes to standalone version
  • verify testtoolrc and insert timeout of 4 minutes (TBO done)
  • write Standalone VCL_TestTool wiki entry (TBO done)
  • upload binaries (TBO started 03.09.2007)
  • announce in qa-dev
  • Wait for feedback of master testers
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