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About the TestTool

The TestTool is a standalone program that is used for the automated testing of The TestTool communicates with the TCP/IP-Interface of and can test each installation of on a PC or in a local area network (LAN). The current TestTool can be used on 1.1beta and higher. However, as there can be some incompatible changes in future builds you may need to use a newer version of the TestTool. Current versions of TestTool can always be found here

Quick start

If you want to help in automated testing and start immediately this guide is the right choice for you. It offers a step-by-step guide to start with and is valid for testing 3.x. However this guide claims to reach testers with basic and experienced knowledge too.


If all of the following prerequisites are done one can start with automated testing


You must have a working CVS on the system. Read CVS client setup to setup client to be used on

One must have an installed office on the system and it is important to know what version has to be tested.

If you are not sure what version is installed on your system you can check version.ini (.versionrc on UNIX-Systems) in installation directory
(look in <INSTALLDIR>/ 3/program)

Open file and see area [Version]:





TestTool framework (testautomation)

The TestTool framework holds all scripts provided to test a milestone based on current branch and is found to be in CVS as module testautomation. You can find all those files in CVS and can easily download them to your local file system via cvs checkout. Let's say you're about to test a version based on branch 'DEV300' with milestone 'm29'.

Use the following cvs command to get the sources: cvs checkout -r DEV300_m29 -d testautomation_m29 testautomation

(optional parameter -d is used to checkout into specific directory to be able holding more versions in parallel)


To be able start automated testing of you must have a local copy of VCLTesttool on your system too.

Download current TestTool matching your OS to a location of your choice on your local machine and extract the archive to your local system. After all files are extracted please start testtool.bin (testtool.exe on windows) the first time. Once testtool is started go to Tools->Options

(all entrys on screenshots are examples only and need to be adapted to your needs)

  • Tabpage 'Profile'


Create a profile for current testauomation module to be used. Therefor enter

1. Profile name: DEV300m29

2. Log base directory: (All resultsfiles created during a testrun are written here)

3. Base directory: The base directory of checked-out testautomation-scripts

4. Default HID directory is set automatically and must not be adapted in most cases.

  • Tabpage 'Crashreport'


Check 'Allow contact' checkbox and enter your valid OOo-mail-address in EMail field. This mail address will be used if testtool sends a crashreport and later on if you are familiar with automated testing you can add your results to QUASTe (Quality Assurance Statuspage) Therefor a vaild mail-address is important.

  • Tabpage 'Misc'


On this tabpage you can set the options to be used by testtool to communicate with In most cases this values can stay default. If testtool is unable to start your installation 'Testtool Port' or 'Remote UNO Port' may be blocked or reserved by your system. 'OOo Program Dir' can be set to the program dir of your to be tested with VCLTestTool. In most cases this value can be leaved empty as testtool should be able to find your Installation. If not you can try adding the path to your installation here. For example: <INSTALLDIR>/ 3/program

All your changes to VCLTestTool-options are saved in an .testtoolrc file created in your home-directory (UNIX-Systems - on Windows systems={USER}\Application Data\testtool.ini)

Click on 'OK' button in Options to save your changes and exit VCLTestTool for this time.

Now all prerequisites are done !

Run a single autotest

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