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This article is about situations, where you think, that Calc calculates wrong. You might have found a bug, and then you should write an issue. But look here first; perhaps the unexpected results come from something, you haven't been aware.

Precision in Calc

Calc uses for its calculation floating point numbers in double precision as defined in IEEE 754 standard. You get the best representation in a spreadsheet cell using the scientific format with format code 0.00000000000000E+000.

Calc rounds to two decimals in the default settings.


Hinweis auf Berechnen wie angezeigt

But although you can force Calc to show 15 decimal digits, these might not be all accurate. The following sections list some of the problems.

Converting between Number Systems

Because a binary format is used internally, the numbers in internal calculation might differ slightly from the shown decimal values.

Most non integer numbers have infinite decimal places in binary format, which have to be rounded somewhere. Calculating with rounded values and converting back to decimal format gives different values then calculating manually in decimal format.

1 0.99999876543210000000
2 0.00000123456790002141 =1-A1

Calculating manually gives 1−0.99999876543210000000 = 0.00000123456790000000

Known Issue: If you fill a series by dragging the bottom right handle of the active cell, the generated values are not as accurate as they must be. Workaroung: Use Edit > fill > Series instead.

No Symbolic π

From mathematics you know sin(π)= 0 and you know that tan(π/2) is undefined. But you cannot get these results in Calc, because the value π is always treated as rounded floating point number. It makes no difference using PI() or RADIANDS(180). Calc cannot evaluate π symbolically as computer algebra systems do. That is no special limitation of Calc, but other often used spreadsheet applications work only numerically too.

1 1.63317787283838E+016 =TAN(PI()/2)
2 1.22460635382238E-016 =SIN(RADIANS(180))

No Fractional Arithmetic

Calc kann zwar Zahlen als Brüche darstellen, aber nicht mit ihnen rechnen.


If you subtract two non integer numbers, which have nearly the same value, the result has less significant digits then the initial values.

1 9.99411764795882E-001 =0.999411764795882
2 9.99411764705882E-001 =1699/1700
3 8.99997854020285E-011 =A1-A2
4 8.99996470588235E-011

Cell A4 shows the correct result of , calculated with a computer algebra system with high precision.

Ill-conditioned problems

Verhalten bei Polstellen


Stabilität des Algorihtmus

Wie groß sind die Fehler, wenn die Eingangswerte nicht exakt sind?

How much changes the result, if the input varies with one, two, three... bit in the internal representation?

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