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My personal list of todo stuff and current status

Nick on : CL

Mail : christian.lippka AT


This is my personal wiki. Everything I write here
may be wrong, stupid, incorrect, harmful or worse.
The views expressed on this page aren't (necessarily)
the views of Sun Microsystems Inc. 

Current Work

  • Fixing issues for OOo 3.3
  • Embedding Video/Sounds in impress

Whats new in impress/draw

OOo 3.3


cws impressmedia01

Feature Mails

Service "" got XInitialization interface and the following css::beans::NamedValue arguments

  • [optional] string LeadingChars // name of the tempfile will start with this string, followed by a counter to make the name unique
  • [optional] string Extension // extension for the tempfile. If none is given, the extension will be ".tmp"
  • [optional] string Parent // if given, this will be the parent directory of the tempfile
  • [optional] boolean KillingFileEnabled // if true, the file will be deleted as soon as the instance of this service is deleted

Open ODF issues

  • draw:textarea-horizontal-align attribute has no default exported? [issue 85397]

Frequently needed Issues

  • incompatible bullets from 3.0 in 2.x => issue 91466

Open ODF 1.2 features

Auto shrink text in shapes [OASIS] Status: Desired for OOo3.x

Proposal: last visited page interaction [OASIS] Status: Desired for OOo3.x

How to add animations for shapes on master pages [OASIS] Status: Desired for OOo 3.x

Proposal for rounded corners of rects (draw:corner-radius) [OASIS] Status: Currently not planed for OOo

Add glue points to 3D objects [OASIS] Status: Currently not planed for OOo

Proposal to enhance hyperlinks to support shapes [OASIS] Status: Import planned for OOo 2.4, export desired for OOo 3.x

<svg:desc> and <svg:title> for drawing pages [OASIS] Status: Still under discussion in the TC

Layer-set per page [OASIS] Status: Still under discussion in the TC

Points are integers in ODF,but floating-point in SVG [OASIS] Status: Still under discussion in the TC

Headless Mode Debuging

soffice -norestore -invisible -headless macro:///Standard.Module1.Main
Sub Main
	oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "file:///e:/html.odp", "_blank", 0, Array(MakePropertyValue("Hidden",True)) )
	oDoc.storeToURL( "file:///e:/html/out.html", Array( MakePropertyValue( "URL", "file:///e:/html/out.html" ), MakePropertyValue( "FilterName", "impress_html_Export" ) )
	oDoc.close( True )
End Sub

Function MakePropertyValue( Optional cName As String, Optional uValue ) As
	Dim oPropertyValue As New
	oPropertyValue.Name = cName
	oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
	MakePropertyValue() = oPropertyValue
End Function
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