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Project History

The project is unofficially founded on 15 September 2002 when the idea was born between Bogdan Kecman, Dušan Đorđević and Sloba Marković to organize an 1.0.1 localization marathon event.

Official proposal for Serbian native language project was made on 14 Oct 2003 by Branko Tanović:

In Summer 2005 Serbian Novell partner decided to improve localization and provide localized 2.0 release, reusing previous efforts on 1.x localizations. The project was completed successfully, lead by Danilo Šegan .

In January 2008 Serbian Government decided to support community localization effort of through a three years long project funded by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society of Republic of Serbia awarded to Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, lead by professor Duško Vitas. community, lead by Goran Rakić, continued to work with the Faculty of Mathematics to provide excelent support for Serbian language inside releases 2.4 onwards.


„ у Србији“ на друштвеној мрежи Фејсбук и @sropenoffice на микроблогинг сервису Твитер.

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