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Serbian native-lang project symbol.

Serbian native-lang project

Пројекат локализације пакета на српски језик, део конфедерације језичких пројеката

Contact info: Website:

Project History

The project was unofficially founded on 15 September 2002 when the idea was born between Bogdan Kecman, Dušan Đorđević and Slobodan Marković to organize an 1.0.1 localization marathon event. The space for this fun and noble event was provided by a company named ICT-Tower, back in time a Sun Microsystems Competence Center located in Belgrade. After initial call for action forwarded to several mailing lists, newsgroups and online forums, it was largely supported by many local free software enthusiasts.

Official [

proposal for Serbian native language project] was made on 14 Oct 2003 by Branko Tanović who continued to maintain 1.x localization created during the 2002 translation marathon event, supported by a company Agenda d.o.o., the largest Slovenian solutions provider for Open Source software.

In Summer 2005, a Serbian IT company and Novell partner from Belgrade, Independent Expert Group, decided to fund improvements of Serbian SUSE Linux localization , including translation of 2.0 release and developing first free software spell-check support for Serbian, reusing all previous community efforts on 1.x localization. The project was completed successfully, lead heroically by Danilo Šegan.

In January 2008 Serbian Government decided to support community localization effort of through a three years long project funded by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society of Republic of Serbia. The project was awarded to the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, coordinated by professor Duško Vitas. Serbian community, lead by Goran Rakić, continued to work with the Faculty of Mathematics to provide excellent support for Serbian language in releases 2.4 onwards.

With the project entering its ending phase, an open opportunity for local IT solutions providers exists to step up and develop new products and services based on, working together with the free software community to continue making Serbian language a first level experience for all users of

Note on sh language code usage inside

Language code sr is used to represent Serbian (Cyrillic) locale and language code sh is used to represent Serbian (Latin) locale. See more info on sh usage inside

Once locale modifiers can be used in all aspects of internally along language codes we could migrate "sh" code to "sr@latin". While the patch from issue #113496 does allow Serbian (Latin) locale and default document language code selection using locale modifier on Unix systems, it provides only a mapping to "sh" language code.

Заједница / Community

Страница „ у Србији“ на друштвеној мрежи Фејсбук и налог @sropenoffice на микроблогинг сервису Твитер.

Спољашње везе / External Links

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