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o3tl::range<> - a Range for C++ Integer Types, Pointers and Random Access Iterators

Specification Status
Author Nikolai Pretzell
Last Change 2007-07-11
Status Finished


range<> is a C++ class that represents a range within integer or pointer types or within two random access iterators.


Reference Document Location (URL)
Product Requirement, RFE, Issue ID IssueZilla 76769
Test case specification Unit Tests in module o3tl/qa/test-range.cxx


Role Name E-Mail Address
Developer Nikolai Pretzell np@openoffice.org
Quality Assurance Thorsten Behrens thb@openoffice.org
Documentation Nikolai Pretzell np@openoffice.org

Detailed Specification

The class allows to replace iterator pairs, where constantly both appear together and represent the lower and upper border of a range, by a single object, such clarifying the programmers intention and allowing range specific operations.

Typical Use

bool SelectionIsWithinParagraph( range<TextPtr> i_paragraph, range<TextPtr> i_selection )
  return i_paragraph.contains(i_selection);

Template Type

T: T has to be either an integer type, a pointer type or a random access iterator.

Member Functions

Function Precondition Semantic Postcondition
range( T i_inclusiveLowerBorder, T i_exclusiveUpperBorder ) [i_inclusiveLowerBorder, i_exclusiveUpperBorder] is a valid range. Creates a range object. begin() == i_inclusiveLowerBorder;
end() == i_exclusiveUpperBorder;
size() == end() - begin();
T begin() const - Returns the (inclusive) lower border of the range. -
T end() const - Returns the (exclusive) upper border of the range. -
std::size_t size() const - Returns the size of the range: end() - begin(). -
bool contains(T i_value) const - Returns true, if i_value >= begin() and i_value < end(). -
bool contains(const self & i_other) const - Returns true, if i_other is contained in this. The exact condition is: contains(i_other.begin()) && i_other.end() <= end(). -
bool overlaps(const self & i_other) const - Returns true, if contains(i_other.begin()) || i_other.contains(begin()). -
long distance_to( const self & i_other ) const - Returns i_other.begin() - this->end(). Return value may be negative. -

Global Functions

Function Precondition Semantic Postcondition
template <class T>
range<T> make_range(T i1, T i2)
[i1, i2] is a valid range. Creates a range<> object where the template type is deduced from the function parameters. returnvalue.begin() == i1;
returnvalue.end() == i2
returnvalue.size() == i2 - i1;
template <class T>
range<typename T::const_iterator> range_of(const T & i_container)
- Returns a range that includes all elements of i_container. returnvalue.begin() == i_container.begin();
returnvalue.end() == i_container.end()
returnvalue.size() == i_container.size();
template <class T>
range<typename T::iterator> range_of(T & i_container)
- Returns a range that includes all elements of i_container. returnvalue.begin() == i_container.begin();
returnvalue.end() == i_container.end()
returnvalue.size() == i_container.size();
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