Sistem EIS

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EIS (Environment Information System) je sestavljen iz zbirke podatkov, ki hrani podatke o glavnih deloviščih (angl. MasterWorkspace, na kratko MWS) in otroških deloviščih (angl. ChildWorkspace, na kratko CWS), pa tudi druge reči, spletni vmesnik, ki ga uporabljajo vsi vpleteni v delo na CWS-jih (npr. razvijalci, člani QA, pisci dokumentacije, člani ekipe za uporabniško izkušnjo, odgovorni za lokalizacijo in internacionalizacijo itn.) ter vmesnik SOAP za kopico orodij ukazne vrstice, ki jih uporabljajo razvijalci za ustvarjanje in vzdrževanje CWS-jev.

V spletni vmesnik se lahko prijavite na naslovu s svojim e-poštnim naslovom OOo (vključno z in svojim geslom OOo. Tam je na voljo tudi anonimni dostop samo za branje.

EIS je tudi potreben, če želite napisati e-sporočila objave funkcionalnosti (angl. feature announcement) ali spremembah API-ja, s katerimi obveščate razvijalce, inženirje zagotavljanja kakovosti (QA, angl. Quality Assurance), sodelavce pri lokalizaciji (L10N) in dokumentaciji o spremembah v kodi paketa ali če želite preveriti specifikacije.

Poleg tega EIS ponuja več virov RSS z informacijami o otroških deloviščih (CWS) in glavnih deloviščih (MWS). Vir, ki informira o novih mejnikih na glavnih deloviščih je npr. sindiciran na Planet Najdete jih lahko tudi na glavni strani EIS.

Rezultati gradenj tinderbox so bili v zadnjem času integrirani v spletno pročelje EIS.

Ozadje in splošni podatki

Za razvoj uporabljamo veje v skladiščih izvorne kode (trenutno SubVersion, prej CVS), nabor orodij ukazne vrstice in orodje, imenovano EIS. EIS je akronim za Environment Information System in, mimogrede, nemška beseda za led. Zamisel za glavnimi delovišči (MasterWorkspace, na kratko MWS) in otroškimi delovišči (ChildWorkspace, na kratko CWS) je, da razvoj ne poteka na MWS-jih. Namesto tega je vse delo izvedeno na kopiji MWS, to kopijo pa imenujemo CWS. Le če je CWS najmanj tako dober kot MWS (vsebovati ne sme nobenih regresij in novo vpeljane funkcionalnosti morajo biti popolnoma delujoče), bo spojen (integriran) nazaj v MWS. Idealno bi to pomenilo, da je MWS lahko izdan kadarkoli kot popolnoma delujoč drop. Vendar je to tako le v teoriji. Vseeno pa koncept MWS/CWS v veliki meri zmanjša število novih zadev/težav, vpeljanih v MWS.

Codelines za izdaje uporabljajo različne MWS-je in za minor izdaje je ponavadi uveden tudi nov MWS, kar stabilizira kodo za to minor izdajo na ločeni veji.

Delo z CWS-ji in MWS-ji pomeni:

  • izvajati celotno razvijalsko delo na kopiji kode izdelka;
  • temeljito preizkusiti in preveriti razvito kodo pred ponovno integracijo v kodo izdelka;
  • le povsem preizkušena izvorna koda se vključi v kodo izdelka, zato je manj regresijskih hroščev;
  • vsi mejniki na MasterWorkspace (koda izdelka) so potencialno v stanju možnosti izdaje;
  • hrošče pogosteje odkrijemo v času, ko jih uvedemo, in s strani tistih, ki jih uvedejo;
  • ker je koda bolje preverjena in preizkušena pred integracijo v izdelek, ima razvijalec več svobode pri delu.

Otroška delovišča (CWS) imajo v EIS stanje, ki odseva, kaj se trenutno na otroškem delovišču dogaja in ali je CWS že končal v kodi izdelka ali pa se CWS še razvija. Prihodnje stanje lahko nastavimo glede na trenutno stanje.

Obstaja nabor ChildWorkspace Policies, ki ureja delo na otroškem delovišču, npr. kako se zadeve v sistemu sledenja hroščev v issuezilla običajno dodeljujejo otroškim deloviščem in kako različni ljudje, vpleteni v življenjski ciklus CWS sodelujejo drug z drugim. EIS pozna dve različni vrsti otroških delovišč: javni (public) CWS in notranji (internal) CWS podjetja Sun. Za notranje CWS podjetja Sun je prikazan le omejen nabor podatkov na Tako npr. opis, ki lahko vsebuje notranje podatke o stranki Sun, ni prikazan. V podjetju Sun interno obstaja drugačna inkarnacija spletnega portala EIS, ki pa prikaže te podatke. Večina otroških delovišč, na katerih delajo razvijalci podjetja Sun, so javna, le nekaj njih, ki vsebujejo izključne module ali funkcionalnosti StarOffice ali tisti, ki vsebujejo zaupne podatke o strankah podjetja Sun, so zasebna otroška delovišča. Otroško delovišče ima vedno "lastnika" (angl. "Owner") in "predstavnika QA" (angl. "QA representative"), ki morata biti praviloma različni osebi ;-). Druge vrste informacij, ki jih hrani EIS, so npr. ustrezni moduli izvorne kode, feature and/or bug-fix issues being worked on in the CWS, the release for which the CWS is planned to be integrated and flags to indicated wether changes on that CWS are relevant for Documentation and Translation. EIS also offers some statistics about ChildWorkspaces. Nekatera polja na strani Edit za CWS are required to be set at least when the status is changed to ready for QA and you will not be able to change to that state without setting those also. Besides the "Owner" and the "QA representative" EIS also provides the role of a "Member" of a ChildWorkspace. Members can be added on the CWS edit page. All CWS where you are either "Owner", "QA representative" or "Member" are shown on list provided by the ChildWorkspaces/MyCWS list. The "ChildWorkspaces/Browse" submenu provides some treeviews to show ChildWorkspaces in the database using different selection criterias. Which entries in this treeviews are shown is limited by a setting. The default is to show only CWS of the last 6 month. This can be changed by using the Settings link in the right corner and than using the CWS tab page where you will find a field "months displayed in treeviews" which can be set to a new value.

Additionally to the handling of ChildWorkspaces and MasterWorkspaces another feature of EIS is the handling of API Changes and Feature Announcements, which are entered into EIS by developers and than mailed to mailing lists and stored in the EIS database. API Changes inform other developers about code changes which might be relevant to them and Feature Announcements as well as Specifications are essential for those working on documentation or QA. Feature Announcements and Specifications are also used for semi-automated Release Notes creation and are thus important for informing everyone about changes in new releases, see 2.0.4 Release Notes for example. Specifications must be created using a standard template and EIS can check wether documents can be used for the Release Notes creation process or break that process because they do contain changes that make the document unusable for the XSLT being used for that or because they are not based on the correct template.

Seznam stanj, ki jih uporablja EIS

  1. planned ('načrtovan'): CWS v tem stanju je načrtovan, vendar dejansko še ne obstaja. Tako ni bil spremenjen noben del kode, niti še ni odločeno, iz katerega mejnika bo ustvarjen CWS. To stanje je uporabno predvsem za dolgoročno načrtovanje, aquisition virov itn.
  2. new ('nov'): CWS v tem stanju je bil ustvarjen, they do have a physical representation somewhere and development is currently working on it. The cwscreate commandline tool is used to create directory for source code of a new ChildWorkspace. If a ChildWorkspace with state planned and the name given as argument to cwscreate already exists this one is propagated to state new in EIS otherwise a new entry is created in EIS. If you create a ChildWorkspace using cwscreate please use the web frontend afterwards and add as much additional information as possible.
  3. ready for qa: The developers think they are ready. They have prepared installation sets and hand the CWS over to QA by changing to this state. Depending on how the CWS handling for the MasterWorkspace is configured QA can now either set the state to nominated or approved by QA if QA accepts the changes on the ChildWorkspace. If changes on the CWS are note accepted QA sets the state back to new.
  4. approved by QA: This is a special intermediate state used when a more controlled approach is active for the MasterWorkspace the CWS was created on. In this case QA approves a CWS but program management has the final say if and when something goes into the MasterWorkspace. That is program management will set the state to nominated after QA has set this state.
  5. nominated: The CWS is being handed over to Release Engineering which can now start to integrate the CWS into the MasterWorkspace
  6. integrated: all work on the CWS is finished and the changes on the ChildWorkspace have been integrated into the MasterWorkspace.
  7. canceled: A canceled CWS has been abandoned, no more work will be done on it. This state is for CWS which where once in state new but are not needed anymore.
  8. deleted: similar to canceled this is for CWS which are not needed any more. The difference is that the deleted state can only be set for planned CWS which never made it to being actually physically created and thus to the state new.
  9. fixed on master: this is used to reflect changes in EIS done by Release Engineering directly on the Master usually to fix a very special urgent problem or a merge conflict. CWS in this state are not really existing physically these are just entries in EIS keeping information about changes done directly on the source code repository branch of the MasterWorkspace.
  10. finished: This is a special state used for Special-Product-Release ChildWorkspaces which will never get integrated into a MasterWorkspace but represent a Special Release Version, eg. some version done for a single customer with a change that will never get into the MasterWorkspace.
  11. pre-nominated for PP: a historic state used for special Product Patch CWS handling, no longer used.
  12. cloned: There are times when changes for a MasterWorkspace created to stabalize a minor release must also be integrated into a MasterWorkspace for the current main release trunk or vice versa. In this case ChildWorkspaces are being cloned. Eg. there can be a ChildWorkspace xyz created on the MasterWorkspace SRC680 and to integrate the same changes also into the OOE680 MasterWorkspace a clone xyz_OOE680 will be created. Release Engineering has a special commandline tool to create such clones.

Vstopne točke EIS

The main webpage for EIS is There you can find a link to EIS logon where you must use your email address as username. There is also an anonymous guest logon link on this page for those who do not have an account and the RSS feeds EIS provides can also be found on that page. Besides, the "Find a ChildWorkspace (CWS) name for a given IssueTracker issue ID", "List integrated issues within the most current master build" and "Show treeview of all integrated master builds" features on [] are also features provided by EIS. At there is a Specification Checking Tool link, which is also a feature offered by EIS. You may find direct links to ChildWorkspaceinformation in some RSS feeds and webpages like Planet or in some documentation on If you need to create such a direct link to ChildWorkspace information on some webpage yourself you can use something like the following:

where 'cwsqueryenhance' is the name of the ChildWorkspace and 'SRC680' is the MasterWorkspace it was created on without milestone information. The general formular for such URLs is<MasterWorkspace>%2F<ChildWorkspace>

Such links and also the features on the QA issuelinks page and the Specification Checking Tool can be used without logon. The SOAP interface of EIS is at The CWS commandline tools authenticate there using CVS username and crypted CVS password. This must be configured in a .cwsrc file, details about this .cwsrc file can be found on the CWS Wiki entry. The SOAP interface is currently not yet documented, but with there is a perl module for using it available in the source code.

Triki in namigi

  • Spremenite lahko, da se meni prikaže na levi strani namesto na vrhu, in sicer prek povezave Settings v desnem kotu in nato uporabite izbirni gumb v slogu menijev na zavihku "Frames".
  • Če ste član QA in želite najti otroško delovišče, ki še nima predstavnika za QA, uporabite menijski ukaz "ChildWorkspaces / Seek QA".
  • Če želite ugotoviti, kaj je zadnji mejnik na danem MasterWorkspace, lahko pogledate v EIS (Environment Information System) z menijskim ukazom "MasterWorkspaces / MasterWorkspace Info" ali pa uporabite ukaz "cwsquery latest".
  • Tip: On this wiki you can use {{CWS}}, {{m}}, {{Bug}} templates to easily link to child workspaces, milestones and issues.


EIS je storitev, ki jo upravlja podjetje Sun in jo trenutno vzdržuje Bernd Eilers. Če ste našli hrošča v EIS ali želite dodatno funkcionalnost, lahko vnesete zadevo v IssueZillo pod kategorijo (Category) 'tools' in s ciljem (target) 'DevTools' zanj.

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