SDK Examples

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This page records progress with testing the SDK Examples on new platforms - initially GNU/Linux SPARC and Mac Intel OS X. Testing should be followed by Issues created in IZ and patches. Please add results for other platforms. Testing as at OOD680_m5 (2.0.4rc3), GNU/Linux SPARC tested using gcj-4.1.2

Path to Example Platform Comment Status / Link to IZ Issue
setsdkenv_unix MacIntel OS X Does not like spaces in OFFICE_HOME Need set OFFICE_HOME=" ... path "
setsdkenv_unix GNU/Linux SPARC If no "java" commands available need adjust settings/ and settings/
examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps GNU/Linux SPARC all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/FirstSteps MacIntel OS X all Needs a link libjpipe.jnilib -> libjpipe.dylib Issue69944
examples/DevelopersGuide/Text GNU/Linux SPARC all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/Text MacIntel OS X all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/UCB GNU/Linux SPARC all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/UCB MacIntel OS X all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/Spreadsheet GNU/Linux SPARC unopkg failed
examples/DevelopersGuide/Spreadsheet MacIntel OS X unopkg failed ERROR: ( { { Message = "unsatisfied query for interface of type!", Context = ( @0 } }
examples/DevelopersGuide/ScriptingFramework/SayHello GNU/Linux SPARC package is added but macro is not available until disabled and re-enabled runtime error, see IZ
examples/DevelopersGuide/ScriptingFramework/SayHello MacIntel OS X package is added but macro is not available until disabled and re-enabled macro runs OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/ScriptingFramework/ScriptSelector GNU/Linux SPARC build.xml needs property build.compiler=gcj (by ant) [exec] unopkg failed
examples/DevelopersGuide/ScriptingFramework/ScriptSelector MacIntel OS X (by ant) [exec] unopkg failed
examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/CppBinding GNU/Linux SPARC all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/CppBinding MacIntel OS X all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/InterprocessConn GNU/Linux SPARC all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/InterprocessConn MacIntel OS X all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/OfficeDev GNU/Linux SPARC all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/OfficeDev MacIntel OS X all OK
examples/DevelopersGuide/Charts GNU/Linux SPARC
examples/DevelopersGuide/Charts MacIntel OS X unopkg fails ERROR: ( { { Message = "unsatisfied query for interface of type!", Context = ( @0 } }
examples/DevelopersGuide/Forms GNU/Linux SPARC Makefile has hard-coded "javac" should be $(SDK_JAVAC) all OK except not tested OK - some minor labels and text truncation
examples/DevelopersGuide/Forms MacIntel OS X all OK except not tested OK some minor text truncation in
examples/cpp/complextoolbarcontrols GNU/Linux SPARC unopkg works needs patches Issue 72679 and Issue 72793
examples/cpp/counter GNU/Linux SPARC OK needs patch Issue 72793
examples/cpp/remoteclient GNU/Linux SPARC OK needs patch Issue 72793
examples/cpp/DocumentLoader GNU/Linux SPARC OK needs patches Issue 72679 and Issue 72793
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