ReleaseStatus Minutes 2010-12-13 IRC log
(14:58:07) #oooreleases: The topic for #oooreleases is: Release-Stauts-Meeting, every monday at 15:00 Hamburg Time (13:00 UTC in summer)
(14:58:17) mla: hi
(15:00:00) mdamboldt: Hi
(15:00:57) enoki: hi
(15:01:02) mdamboldt: welcome to todays release status meeting
(15:01:37) UweL [~chatzilla@nat/sun/x-jommicqncbelnnks] entered the room.
(15:01:40) mdamboldt: As you might have noticed there were no further information on the mailing list so far, regarding the next release candidate build which we already estimated in last weeks meeting.
(15:02:28) mdamboldt: Over the past week, many new stoppers have been raised. Those have been addressed in various CWS and are right now beeing integrated and builded in the OOO330m18
(15:03:01) mdamboldt: So Release Candidate 8 is in progress to built right now.
(15:03:11) rtimm: OK
(15:03:39) mdamboldt: First (Unix) platforms will show up on ftp servers by end of this week. Signed Windows installation sets will follow later.
(15:03:59) mdamboldt: I assume full distribution thru the mirror network will be reached early next week.
(15:05:49) mdamboldt: In point of view to the upcomming christmas break, this RC8 will be the last release candidate build for 2010.
(15:06:46) mdamboldt: Again in point of view to the christmas break, this is the last release status meeting from my side for this year.
(15:07:19) mdamboldt: The first release status meeting in 2011 will take place on Monday 3rd January 2011.
(15:11:40) mdamboldt: Anything else anybody want to raise in todays meeting?
(15:12:28) enoki: Is there no release in this year?
(15:15:29) _KAMI_1 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(15:15:59) mdamboldt: The Release Candidate 8 will fully be available early next week. So the final QA approval can earliest be available some time between christmas and new year. In this time slot right in the middle of the christmas break, no release will happen.
(15:17:37) rtimm: Yes, there hardly could be any marketing or whatever activity planned for that time frame.
(15:19:37) enoki: ok, thank you.
(15:20:37) mdamboldt: Ok, sounds thats all for todays meeting.
(15:20:49) mdamboldt: See you next year ;)
(15:20:49) mdamboldt: bye
(15:21:45) mla: bye
(15:22:00) UweL: merry christmas and a happy new year to everybody, bye
(15:22:22) of_oracle: bye
(15:22:22) stefan_b: mcaahny from me, too.
(15:22:24) stefan_b: bye
(15:24:16) enoki: merry christmas