QA Metrics
QA queries
Quality queries
Open P1/P2 issues (2007/01/02: 0 P1 218 P2)
Regressions (2007/01/02: 56 issues)
Crashes (2007/01/02: 52 issues)
Unconfirmed defects (2007/01/02: 1003 issues)
Unconfirmed P1/P2 defects, all Components (2007/01/02: 2 P1, 36 P2)
Other interesting queries
(>10 vote) open issues, sorted by votes
Popular (>10 vote) open DEFECTS, sorted by votes
Open issues with at least one duplicate
Open issues with possible multiple duplicates
Open issues not of type PATCH with attachments marked patch (170, 2005-12-08)
Open issues not of type PATCH which may have patches in body
Open issues of type PATCH with no target
Unconfirmed defects with duplicates (27, 2006-09-28)
Unconfirmed defects with >= 4 votes
Regressions with no specific target (39, 2006-09-28)
Open issues with summary including crash, freeze, hang, or segfault but not the keyword crash (876, 2006-10-12)
A separate article has been started about duplicates.