PyUNO bridge

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The Python-UNO bridge allows to

  • use the standard API from the well known python scripting language.
  • to develop UNO components in python, thus python UNO components may be run within the process and can be called from Java, C++ or the built in StarBasic scripting language.
  • create and invoke scripts with the office scripting framework (OOo 2.0 and later).

You can find the most current version of this document from


You can also download this documentation for offline work.

Download ( less than 0.5 MB).


The Python-UNO bridge is feature complete, but has not been used extensively, so it may contain some bugs. It is now integrated in the source trees. ( 1.0.x is not supported.)

The documentation in its current state is targeted at developers who have already some experience with API and with some other programming language (Java/C++/StarBasic). It is recommended that you read that some background information from the developer manual before looking at the specifics of python.

PyUNO tutorial for

This tutorial shows, how the PyUNO bridge can be used to automate This is not an tutorial, there is lots of resources available in the office development kit and the developer manual.

PyUNO Installation

Since 1.1, PyUNO is included in the default installation.

PyUNO bridge modes

PyUNO can be used in three different modes:

  • Inside the process within the scripting framework (OOo 2.0 and later only !!),
  • Inside the python executable (and outside the OOo process)[1]

Use this mode, when you

  • begin to use PyUNO (as it is the more intuitive approach).
  • want to trigger script execution by starting a separate process (e.g. a cgi-script within a http-server).
  • want the shortest turnaround times (code - execute - code - execute ...)
Hello World

Make sure, that is not running (note that on windows you must also terminate the quick starter in the system tray at the right bottom of your desktop). Start a system shell ( cmd on Win NT/2000/XP, command on Win9x, tcsh or bash on Unix). Switch to the Office program directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org1.1\program ) and start the office with the following command line parameters

  c:\Program Files\OpenOffice1.1\program>  soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"

Now use your favourite text editor to create the following sample program:

[python] import uno

""" Here is the secuence of things the lines do: 1. get the uno component context from the PyUNO runtime 2. create the UnoUrlResolver 3. get the central desktop object 4. Declare the ServiceManager 5. get the central desktop object 6. access the current writer document 7. access the document's text property 8. create a cursor 9. insert the text into the document """

localContext = uno.getComponentContext() resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( "", localContext ) ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" ) smgr = ctx.ServiceManager desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "",ctx) model = desktop.getCurrentComponent() text = model.Text cursor = text.createTextCursor()

text.insertString( cursor, "Hello World", 0 )

""" Do a nasty thing before exiting the python process. In case the

last call is a oneway call (e.g. see idl-spec of insertString),
it must be forced out of the remote-bridge caches before python
exits the process. Otherwise, the oneway call may or may not reach
the target object.
I do this here by calling a cheap synchronous call (getPropertyValue)."""


Now start the above script with the python script located in the program directory

 c:\Program Files\OpenOffice1.1\program> .\python

Note: You must use the script/batch file in the program directory to start python, simply starting the python executable in the runtime directory (or from python installation installed somewhere else on your machine) will not work.

This scripts prints "Hello World" into the current writer document.

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