How do I make my first page a cover or title page and start page numbering (Page 1) on the second page of my document?

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How do I make my first page a cover or title page and start page numbering (Page 1) on the second page of my document?

  1. Open a new Writer document.
  2. Enter some or all of the text that you want on your cover page (or simply press the Enter key a few times).
  3. Press F11 to open the Styles and Formatting window. Choose "Page Styles" from the icons (hover with your pointer on each icon to open the note). Double-click on "First Page" for assigning the "First Page" style to the first page of your document.
  4. Place the cursor at the end of the first page. Select Insert->Manual Break from the menu bar.
  5. Select "Page Break". Then choose the style to use for the next page (pick one from the menu - such as "Default"). Then mark the check box called "Change page number". In the box below this check box the number 1 should appear. Click OK.
  6. Now you should have two pages. Put the cursor in the second page, then select Insert->Footer->Default from the menu bar. A footer area will appear on the second page.
  7. To insert the page number, select: Insert->Fields->Page Numbers. A number '1' should appear on the second page of the file.

Note: each page style can have different characteristics (headers, footers, page numbering, etc.). The page style that is assigned for each page of the document can be seen by clicking into the desired page. Look below the document window area, to the right of the "Page x/n" block to see the page style name for the current page/section.

For more about using page styles, see Chapter 6, Introduction to Styles in the Writer Guide.

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