OpenSUSE Build Instructions

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About openSUSE

openSUSE project is a worldwide community program sponsored by Novell that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. The program provides anyone with free and easy access to SUSE Linux.

Build Instructions

The build procedure is the same as for other Linux systems.

Missing devel packages

The default openSUSE installation media do not include all the needed packages because of CD/DVD space limitation. The missing -devel packages, necessary to build OOo, are available via the full online installation sources at many mirrors. It is enough to add the respective installation source into YaST, for example::

The corresponding repositories at the primary site are:

Some notes:

  • The installation sources are quite big (provide packages for all architectures), and it takes a while until they are loaded. They are also quite memory demanding :-(
  • The missing packages can also be found at
  • For me, the following zypper line dragged in all packages I needed:
   zypper install flex bison pam-devel gperf libxslt java-1_5_0-sun-devel
   libxml libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-devel boost-devel
   openldap2-devel gnome-vfsmm-devel gstreamer010-devel kdesdk3
   kdelibs3-devel qt3-devel gcc-c++ ccache perl-Archive-Zip cups-devel
   ant automake autoconf mono-devel libcurl-devel unixODBC-devel
   mozilla-xulrunner181-devel neon-devel gstreamer010-plugins-base-devel
   perl-SOAP-Lite libdb-4_5-devel libwpd-devel libwps-devel libwpg-devel
   icu libicu-devel hunspell-devel
 and hunspell-devel the one
  • Then, fire up the build with
   ./ --with-distro=SUSE-10.3 --with-ccache-allowed

openSUSE 11.0 devel packages

On a pretty much virgin 11.0 install, this should give you all the necessary packages:

   zypper install flex bison pam-devel gperf libxslt java-1_5_0-sun-devel
   libxml libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-devel boost-devel
   openldap2-devel gnome-vfsmm-devel gstreamer010-devel kdesdk3 postgresql-devel
   kdelibs3-devel qt3-devel gcc-c++ ccache perl-Archive-Zip cups-devel
   ant ant-apache-regexp automake autoconf mono-devel libcurl-devel unixODBC-devel
   mozilla-xulrunner181-devel neon-devel gstreamer010-plugins-base-devel
   perl-SOAP-Lite libdb-4_5-devel libwpd-devel libwps-devel libwpg-devel
   icu libicu-devel hunspell-devel poppler-devel make subversion

openSUSE 11.1 devel packages

On a pretty much virgin 11.1 install, this should give you all the necessary packages:

   zypper install flex bison pam-devel gperf libxslt java-1_5_0-sun-devel
   libxml libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-devel boost-devel
   openldap2-devel gnome-vfsmm-devel gstreamer010-devel kdesdk3 postgresql-devel
   kdelibs3-devel qt3-devel gcc-c++ ccache perl-Archive-Zip cups-devel
   ant ant-apache-regexp automake autoconf mono-devel libcurl-devel unixODBC-devel
   mozilla-xulrunner181-devel neon-devel gstreamer010-plugins-base-devel
   perl-SOAP-Lite libdb-4_5-devel libwpd-devel libwps-devel libwpg-devel
   icu libicu-devel hunspell-devel poppler-devel libexpat-devel make subversion
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