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Revision as of 14:06, 13 April 2009 by SergeMoutou (Talk | contribs)

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To avoid you to search in the previous chapters we give again our starting code where we insert the new listings given in this chapter. We first give only the main() part :

//Listing 1 Again our starting main Code
int main( ) {
//retrieve an instance of the remote service manager
    Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > rOfficeServiceManager;
    rOfficeServiceManager = ooConnect();
    if( rOfficeServiceManager.is() ){
        printf( "Connected sucessfully to the office\n" );
//get the desktop service using createInstance returns an XInterface type
    Reference< XInterface  > Desktop = rOfficeServiceManager->createInstance(
    OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" ));
//query for the XComponentLoader interface
    Reference< XComponentLoader > rComponentLoader (Desktop, UNO_QUERY);
    if( rComponentLoader.is() ){
        	printf( "XComponentloader successfully instanciated\n" );
//get an instance of the spreadsheet
    Reference< XComponent > xcomponent = rComponentLoader->loadComponentFromURL(
        Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >());
// add code here
    return 0;

Remember each time you query for an interface you have to add code lines (if they don't exist) in the source code and a line in the makefile. I will generally add comments to prevent omissions. You can find more explanations here (if you are not a beginner).

Template:Documentation/Note Template:Documentation/Note

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