Mozilla2Seamonkey/Problem Log/Windows

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The following problems appeared while building the Seamonkey sources on Windows, after the great preliminary work done by Pierre Pasteau.

Building with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

msvcp.dll not found


Configure fails with a complaint that msvcp.dll is not found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\..\SDK\v2.0\bin. Well, that's true, it's in %SRC_ROOT\external\msvcp80 - actually, that's a pre-requisite. Submitted as Issue 95642


copy all the files from %SRC_ROOT\external\msvcp80 to the locate where configure expects them

cairo not found during configure


the configure step for Mozilla fails, with a "package cairo was not found ..." message.


Fixed in (use --enable-system-cairo on non-Windows platforms only)

TODO: commit

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