3.3 je tu in pripravljena za prenos

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Brezplačen in odprto-koden pisarniški paket, ki ga uporablja več kot 100 milijonov ljudi, zdaj vsebuje številne nove features za podjetnike/podjetja.

München, Nemčija, x. november 2010. - Projekt danes oznanja izdajo 3.3, najboljšo doslej. Z features in izboljšavami, ki addressing trenutne in prihodnje enterprise želje in potrebe, pisarniški paket vstopa v nov arena. Enterprise users, in public administration and private, will find the improved compatibility with MS Office, the spreadsheet and presentation component enhancements, and the many other new features and community contributions immensely welcome. Poln seznam vsega, kar je dosegla skupnost, je na voljo na naslovu <>. 3.3 označuje mejnik v zorenju pisarniškega paketa. Desetletje zatem, ko je Sun Microsystems začel s projektom graditi pisarniški paket, je ta zrasel iz “brezplačne alternative” v privzeti in mandated izbiro za ocenjenih sto milijonov, ki who have come to value the kakovost, zanesljivost, razširljivost in uporabo odprtih standardov pri vrsti datotek, ki jih paket uporablja: zapis OpenDocument (ODF). Od izdaje 3.0 naprej smo našteli več kot 192 milijonov prenosov, večina je bila za sistem Windows. In ta izjemna številka je underestimate.

Z 3.3 we have worked to meet and also anticipate the current and future needs of the millions around the world in public and private enterprises migrating to and the ODF, as well as simply wanting a suite that out-of-the box does it all while still being customizable. The list of new elements is extensive, but some highlights bear mention. 3.3 ni le hitrejša pri zagonu in delu, poleg tega tudi:

  • embeds standard PDF fonts,
  • increases document protection in Writer and Calc,
  • provides for 1 million rows in a spreadsheet,
  • offers new options for CSV (Comma Separated Value) import in Calc,
  • allows for inserting drawing objects in Charts,
  • improves slide layout handling in Impress in
  • features a common search toolbar

The list goes on, and with the community-contributed extensions repository, the feature set, as well as the quantity and specificity of templates, dictionaries, languages of is always growing. We invite you to see what is there and download those you find interesting. is about productivity: yours.

As Andrew Southworth, Network Coordinator, Canadian Labour Congress, writes, “It's never been just about the savings. The Canadian Labour Congress selected in support of what it does and how it goes about doing it. It's the full support of the ODF that frees us from committing to any one vendor. And it's the extensions, the enterprise elements and the open-source code that gives all those we represent and work with in Canada, from schools to hospitals to libraries to private sector corporations the freedom of real productivity—without being locked into a particular company's vision of how you should work. Saving money on software is great. But, with its support of the ODF, is more than about the bottom line. It's about the freedom to choose the best.”

In addition to the enhancements, we have also included security updates, and we strongly recommend that all users update to this new version as soon as they can. We also, as always, recommend that users follow basic security common sense. is fully supported by the worldwide community and by professional companies, both large and small. Oracle proudly continues the sponsorship of the Project building the application and welcomes contributions from all.

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Peter Junge (UTC +08h00), Peking, Kitajska
Vodja projekta trženja
pj @

Louis Suarez-Potts (UTC -05h00), Toronto, Kanada
Vodja skupnosti
Predsednik Sveta skupnosti
louis @
telefon +1 (416) 625 3843

Mednarodni stiki za trženje


Skupnost je mednarodna skupina prostovoljcev in sponzoriranih sodelavcev, ki razvijajo, prevajajo, podpirajo in propagirajo vodilni odprto-kodni pisarniški paket®. Delujejo v okviru projekta, ki ga je podjetje Sun Microsystems ustanovilo leta 2000, in ki ga nadaljuje in podpira podjetje Oracle, ki je tudi del skupnosti. Zahvaljujoč njihovim naporom lahko programsko opremo prenesete in uporabljate povsem brezplačno in za vse namene, zasebne ali komercialne. Podpornike spodbujamo, da se pridružijo skupnosti in tako zagotovijo nadaljnji razvoj in rast v prihodnosti.
Programska oprema uporablja standard OASIS za zapis OpenDocument (ISO/IEC 26300), podpira pa tudi lastniške vrste datotek, kot je Microsoft Office, na voljo pa je za glavne računalniške platforme v več kot 100 jezikih. Programska oprema je izdana pod licenco GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL razl. 3).

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