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(added link to en-US sdf files)
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[[image:Keyid_build_menu.png|left|thumb|303px|[[Media:Regular_build_menu.png|KeyID build menu - see full size]]]]
[[image:Keyid_build_menu.png|left|thumb|303px|[[Media:Regular_build_menu.png|KeyID build menu - see full size]]]]
There is no functional difference between a regular build and a KeyID build. The difference between the two is that the KeyID build displays the KeyIDs of the strings in the UI and OLH.
There is no functional difference between a regular build and a KeyID build. The difference between the two is that the KeyID build displays the KeyIDs of the strings in the UI and OLH. KeyID builds are regulary provided for all Sun provided languages each release. See the announcements in the dev@l10n mailing list.
See the illustrating screenshots taken on a French regular and KeyID build:
See the illustrating screenshots taken on a French regular and KeyID build:

Revision as of 16:58, 11 October 2007

A KeyID build is a special build used mainly for translation-related QA work on localized builds. It helps to identify UI (User Interface) and OLH (Online Help) strings based on their KeyID. A KeyID is a unique 6-digits number that serves as identifier of the string in the Sun's translation database.

There is no functional difference between a regular build and a KeyID build. The difference between the two is that the KeyID build displays the KeyIDs of the strings in the UI and OLH. KeyID builds are regulary provided for all Sun provided languages each release. See the announcements in the dev@l10n mailing list.

See the illustrating screenshots taken on a French regular and KeyID build:

Making your own KeyID build

here is a script proposal which can be used to add KeyIDs of a new kind to an existing sdf file.

*NOTE* these KeyIDs are different from those in the database but might well get standard soon.
*NOTE* gsicheck should be used with -k key to prevent errors regarding KeyIDs
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0;
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# add keyids to sdf file

use Digest;

$infile = shift;
print_help() if ( !defined $infile );
exit 1 if ( !defined $infile );
$outfile = $infile;
$outfile =~ s/\.sdf$//i;
$outfile .= "_KeyID.sdf";
print "writing to $outfile\n";

$hashfunc = Digest->new("CRC-32");
$colisions = 0;
%hashcodes = ();
$count = 0;
open INFILE,"<$infile" || die "coudl not open $infile $! $^E\n";
open OUTFILE,">$outfile" || die "coudl not open $outfile $! $^E\n";

while ( <INFILE> )
    $line = $_;
    $hash = 0;
    if ( $line =~ /^([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)/ )
        $string="$1 $2 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8";
        $hash = $hashfunc->digest();
        $hashp = makenumber( $hash );

        if ( defined ($hashcodes{ $hashp } ) )
            $colisions ++;
        $hashcodes{ $hashp } = $line;
        print OUTFILE "$1\t$2\t$3\t$4\t$5\t$6\t$7\t$8\t$9\t$10\t".makekidstr($hashp,$11)."\t".makekidstr($hashp,$12)."\t$13\t".makekidstr($hashp,$14)."\t$15\n";
print "$count entries\n";
print "$colisions colisions\n";

close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;

sub makenumber
    $h = shift;
    #                  1         2         3         4
    #         1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
    $order = length($symbols);
    $result = "";
    while ( $h > 0 )
        $result .= substr( $symbols, ($h % $order), 1 );
        $h = int( $h / $order );
    return reverse $result;

sub makekidstr
    $kid = shift;
    $str = shift;
    if ( $str )
        return "$kid.$str";
        return "";
    return "default";

sub print_help
    print "\n\n";
    print "keyidGen 0.1 for sdf files\n";
    print "--------------------------\n";
    print "Usage:\n";
    print "keyidGen <infile>\n";
    print "                   add keyids to the entries and write them to a file with\n";
    print "                   _KeyID added to the name\n";
    print "\n\n";

Where to find en-US sdf files ?

For every milestone en-US files are created. You can download them from one of the mirros in: http://distribution.openoffice.org/mirrors/#extmirrors

For example: http://ftp.rz.tu-bs.de/pub/mirror/OpenOffice.org/extended/ooomisc/

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