HSQLDB Localization

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Revision as of 12:12, 29 November 2005 by Timarandras (Talk | contribs)

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In an effort to provide OpenOffice.org users with localized HSQLDB error messages (in the form shipped with OOo 2.0, all error messages are English), a call was made to the community to volunteer for translating the error messages from the HSQLDB source into other languages.

So far, we have volunteers for the following languages:

(The initial list was stolen from here, feel free to add your own language/name if you want to participate.)

[ ] Basque
[ ] Brazilian(Pt)
[ ] Catalan
[ ] Chinese
[ ] Czech
[ ] Danish
[ ] Finnish
[X] French: Jérôme Paschoud
[X] German: Thomas Kellerer
[ ] Greek
[ ] Hindi
[X] Hungarian: Andras Timar
[ ] Japanese
[ ] Korean
[ ] Laotian
[ ] Malaysian
[ ] Netherlands
[ ] Norwegian
[ ] Portugese
[ ] Romanian
[ ] Russian
[ ] Serbian
[ ] Slovak
[ ] Slovenian
[ ] Spanish
[ ] Tamil
[ ] Thai
[ ] Turkish

Note that you can use prop2po.py from the translate toolkit to convert properties files to PO files. For example,

 prop2po.py -P sql-error-messages.properties -o po/sql-error-messages.pot
 prop2po.py -t sql-error-messages.properties sql-error-messages_it.properties -o po/it.po

this yield files like this:

#: 001
msgid "08001 The database is already in use by another process"
msgstr "08001 L'archivio è in uso da un altro processo"

#: 002
msgid "08003 Connection is closed"
msgstr "08003 Connessione chiusa"

Samples from hsqldb 1.8 here

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