HSQLDB:Tips and Tricks

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How to connect to a "normal" (not embedded) HSQL database?

  • Connect via JDBC
  • as driver class, use org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
  • enter the URL to your HSQL database as described in the HSQLDB documentation, and append ;default_schema=true to the URL

How to migrate data between embedded and non-embedded HSQLDB?


How to know the version of the embedded HSQLDB?

You can determine the version of the embedded HSQLDB engine with the following Basic macro [oobas] Option Explicit

Sub hsqlVersion

Dim databaseURLOrRegisteredName As String
databaseURLOrRegisteredName = "hsqldb"
 ' adjust this string to your needs. It needs to be the name of a registered database,
 ' or a complete URL
Dim databaseContext As Object
databaseContext = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext" )
Dim databaseDocument As Object
databaseDocument = databaseContext.getByName( databaseURLOrRegisteredName )
Dim connection As Object
connection = databaseDocument.getConnection( "", "" )
MsgBox "product version: " & connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductVersion()

End Sub Note that this will give you a version number such as "1.8.0", but not "".

The minor version can be obtained by issueing a SQL statement in the query designer's "Direct SQL" mode:

 call "org.hsqldb.Library.getDatabaseFullProductVersion"()

will give you the full version. Drawbacks:

  • This is only available in and later
  • in, it - wrongly - returns :(

If you replace getDatabaseFullProductVersion in the above SQL statement with getDatabaseProductVersion, then you'll get the same result as with the macro above.

If you, for whatever reason, can not connect to embedded HSQL databases anymore, but want to know the version you're using, nonetheless, do the following:

  • create a database pointing to some external HSQLDB (new DB of type JDBC, with an URL "jdbc:hsqldb:file:foo" - this will create a HSQL database named "foo" in the processes startup directory (you can also specify a complete path).
  • create a new query in SQL view
  • enter
 call "org.hsqldb.Library.getFullDatabaseProductVersion"()
  • press the "Run SQL Direct" button in the toolbar
  • execute the query
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