Difference between revisions of "Feature Freeze Testing 2.4"

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(CWS with changes UI and/or online help: added all CWSes)
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==CWS with changes UI and/or online help==
==CWS with changes UI and/or online help==
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Faquavcl03 aquavcl03] in m233: start Cocoa migration first part : implement basics in events and frames<br>
Here are all Child Work Spaces [CWS] are listed which are relevant for UI changes, Feature integration, changes in Online Help or for translation :
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fcalcautofilter calcautofilter] in m230 : Calc autofilter behaviour  
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5320&Path=SRC680%2Fab38 ab38] in m238: Extensible Help system<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5511&Path=SRC680%2Faquavcl03 aquavcl03] in m233: start Cocoa migration, first part : implement basics in events and frames<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fcalctextcol calctextcol] in m226: Convert text to columns in Calc<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5550&Path=SRC680%2Fas6 as6] in 238 : fixes around file picker implementation<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fchart14 chart14] in m235 : chart features for OOo 2.4<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5626&Path=SRC680%2Faw053 aw053] in 238 : Reduce complexity: Unnecessary display options<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fdba24b dba24b] in m236 : <br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5661&Path=SRC680%2Fbeppec56pdfa1b beppec56pdfa1b] in 238 : Add PDF/A-1a capability to OOo PDF export filter<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fhcshared09 hcshared09] in m227 : Changes to the installed help / Spring 07<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5643&Path=SRC680%2Fbeppec56pdflinks beppec56pdflinks] in 238 : Implementation of relative hyperlinks in OOo PDF export filter.<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fhcshared10 hcshared10] in m230 : Help files Summer 07<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5604&Path=SRC680%2Fcalcautofilter calcautofilter] in 230 : Calc autofilter behaviour<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fl10ntooling06 l10ntooling06] in m232 : <br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6031&Path=SRC680%2Fcalcprintdlg calcprintdlg] in 238 : Calc enhancements for the print dialog.<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fmacaddressbook01 macaddressbook01] in m229 : CWS for integrating the Mac OS X Address Book into OpenOffice.org (Mac OS X X11 and Aqua Versions)<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5655&Path=SRC680%2Fcalcformula calcformula] in 232 : Enhanced data input in Calc<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fnative105 native105] in m227 : Simplifying Java exchange.<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5567&Path=SRC680%2Fcalctextcol calctextcol] in 226 : Convert text to columns in Calc<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fnative106 native106] in m234 : OOo 2.4 tasks<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5645&Path=SRC680%2Fchart14 chart14] in 235 : chart features for OOo 2.4<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fnavorder navorder] in m227 : User defined navigation order of slides.<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5868&Path=SRC680%2Fchart17 chart17] in 238 : chart : Regression curve equations and more flexible data point label placement.<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fobr06 obr06] in m230 : Small build fixes and obsolete code removal<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5936&Path=SRC680%2Fcustomfields customfields] in 238 : Fixes Word import for custom fields and provides them as DocumentInfoFields based on CustomProperties<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Freadme4macintel readme4macintel] in m234: Revamp of ReadMe deployed with OOo.<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5756&Path=SRC680%2Fdatapilotsort datapilotsort] in 238 : Manual sorting of items in DataPilot<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fso3deadcorpses so3deadcorpses] in m235 : move so3 to binfilter/bf_so3<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5654&Path=SRC680%2Fdba24b dba24b] in 236 : --<BR>
[http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fvcl82 vcl82] in m231 : 2.4 issues<br>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5786&Path=SRC680%2Fdba24c dba24c] in 238 : ongoing DBA bugfixing towards OOo 2.4<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6072&Path=SRC680%2Fdba24lastminutestrings dba24lastminutestrings] in 237 : integrate some new DBA strings into 2.4 before the translation freeze<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6063&Path=SRC680%2Fdba24lms dba24lms] in 238 : integrate some new DBA strings into 2.4 before the translation freeze<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5600&Path=SRC680%2Ffwk72 fwk72] in 238 : Framework fixes for OOo2.4<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5600&Path=SRC680%2Ffwk74 fwk74] in 238 : Framework fixes/features for OpenOffice.org 2.4.<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5600&Path=SRC680%2Ffwk78 fwk78] in 238 : Enhancements and UI changes<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5099&Path=SRC680%2Fhcshared09 hcshared09] in 227 : Changes to the installed help / Spring 07<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5099&Path=SRC680%2Fhcshared10 hcshared10] in 230 : Help files Summer 07<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5099&Path=SRC680%2Fhcshared12 hcshared12] in 238 : Changes to application help Autumn 07<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6014&Path=SRC680%2Fimpress134 impress134] in 238 : impress/draw fixes for OOo 2.4<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5836&Path=SRC680%2Fjl76 jl76] in 238 : enhancements for extension online update<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5836&Path=SRC680%2Fjl79 jl79] in 238 : enhancements for Extension Manager<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5864&Path=SRC680%2Fl10ntooling06 l10ntooling06] in 232 : --<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5254&Path=SRC680%2Flangstatusbar langstatusbar] in 238 : Better language selection via status bar control<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5984&Path=SRC680%2Flocales24 locales24] in 237 : Locale data and related changes for OOo2.4<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5519&Path=SRC680%2Fmacaddressbook01 macaddressbook01] in 229 : CWS for integrating the Mac OS X Address Book into OpenOffice.org (Mac OS X X11 and Aqua Versions)<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5636&Path=SRC680%2Fnative105 native105] in 227 : Simplifying Java exchange<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5659&Path=SRC680%2Fnative106 native106] in 234 : OOo 2.4 tasks<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5425&Path=SRC680%2Fnavorder navorder] in 227 : User defined navigation order of slides<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5813&Path=SRC680%2Fobr06 obr06] in 230 : Small build fixes and obsolete code removal<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6079&Path=SRC680%2Fodfversionwarning odfversionwarning] in 238 : --<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5804&Path=SRC680%2Fos103 os103] in 237 : Patches and bugfixes OOo 2.4<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5845&Path=SRC680%2Fos104 os104] in 238 : Enhancements<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5845&Path=SRC680%2Fos107 os107] in 238 : Implementation of issue i61007<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6114&Path=SRC680%2Fpj88 pj88] in 238 : Fix small, but very annoying typo in en-US string in error message.<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5921&Path=SRC680%2Fprintdirectinfo printdirectinfo] in 237 : Enhancement to give better information about the printer used by the "print directly" toolbar button<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=4124&Path=SRC680%2Freadme4macintel readme4macintel] in 234 : Revamp of ReadMe deployed with OOo.<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5777&Path=SRC680%2Freportdesign01 reportdesign01] in 238 : Ongoing fixes for the Sun Report Builder<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6035&Path=SRC680%2Fsheetzoom sheetzoom] in 238 : Allow to set separate zoom level per sheet<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5808&Path=SRC680%2Fso3deadcorpses so3deadcorpses] in 235 : move so3 to binfilter/bf_so3<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5078&Path=SRC680%2Fswcolsel swcolsel] in 238 : Allow block selection in Writer<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=6054&Path=SRC680%2Ftkr05_SRC680 tkr05_SRC680] in 237 : Integrate HTTPS support in webdav ucb provider<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5974&Path=SRC680%2Ftkr06 tkr06] in 238 : --<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5616&Path=SRC680%2Fupdchk10 updchk10] in 238 : enhancements to the automatic look for updates<BR>
[https://tools.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?logon=true&Id=5612&Path=SRC680%2Fvcl82 vcl82] in 231 : 2.4 issues<BR>

Revision as of 12:49, 19 December 2007

Feature testing for OOo 2.4

Here are the features and enhancements, which were integrated in 2.4. All the listed issues are announced in the release notes for the developer snapshots since SRC680m226. These list is more technical orientated and isn't a release note for OOo 2.4. This list could and should be used for testing and checking the new features in general or for translation purposes.

What's new ?

Component : Chart

Component : Database

  • 11746 : numeric(n) data from jdbc/oracle rendered as currency and not as number
  • 18907 : wrong default table name in "Copy table"
    • Description : With the integration of CWS dba24a (680m228 or m229, probably), when you paste table-like data (a Calc range, a Writer table, an HTML table, a database table, whatever) to OOo Base, while a table object is currently selected, then this table's name, along with the option "Append data", is pre-selected in the "Copy Table" wizard.
    • Feature Announcement : http://dba.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=212
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : dba24a integrated in SRC680m231
  • 49183 : allow to edit a view's design (underlying statement) in HSQLDB
  • 66624 : property browser: invoke query designer for all properties which allow entering a SQL command
    • Description : With the integration of CWS dba24c, you will be able to invoke the query designer not only for the "Content" property of a database form (if it's content type is "SQL command"), but also for the list content of a list box control (or grid column), if its list content type is "SQL". The SQL command which you design in the query designer will, when saving it, be set as the respective property at the list box.
    • Feature Announcement : http://dba.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=216
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : dba24c integrated in SRC680m238
  • 68858 : The relation design is now accessible for MySQL databases as well.
  • 69740 : API: Add ability to find which table(s) or query(s) are currently selected in the main Base window
    • Description : The controller of the database application window now supports the com.sun.star.view.XSelectionSupplier interface. The method getSelection return an Any which contains a Sequence of NamedValue. ...
    • Feature Announcement : http://dba.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=213
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : dba24a integrated in SRC680m231
  • 77492 : Allow query designer to be called in SQL view
  • 80930 : [RFE] UI for the FormsCheckRequiredFields data source setting
  • 81043 : Connection "Microsoft Access" doesn`t work with Access 2007 (accdb)

Component : Drawing

Component : Framework

Component : Graphic System Layer (GSL)

Component : Porting

Component : Localisation (L10N)

  • 71789 : Disentangle the Serbia and Montenegro mess
  • 76233 : Add locales of available dictionaries to language list box
  • 78601 : es_VE: make VEF, Bolivar Fuerte, the default currency
    • Description : On 2008-01-01 the Bolivar Fuerte, VEF, will become the new currency for Venezuela. In OOo2.4 it will be the default currency for the es-VE locale. It was already secondary currency since OOo2.3.
    • Feature Announcement : http://l10n.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=126
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : locales24 integrated in SRC680m237
  • 79797 : Enable Persian Numbering support
    • Description : Added support of Farsi/Persian native numbering and alphabetic outline numbering, the latter appearing in Writer under Format -> Bullets and Numbering -> Options -> Numbering list box, it is not available in the preset numbering types or outlines yet. Native numbering is available through the number formatter for format codes using the [NatNum1] modifier.
    • Feature Announcement : http://l10n.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=127
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : locales24 integrated in SRC680m237
  • 80114 : Add Quechua to language list box
  • 80432 : Add Low German [nds-DE] to language list box.
  • 82723 : Locale information for Hiligaynon (hil_PH)
  • 82927 : Add Sámi languages to language list box
  • 83369 : Locale data for Somali (so_SO)

Component : Presentation

Component : Calc/Spreadsheet (SC)

Component : Tools

  • 75466 : Packaging Modularization: Distributed Products: OOo w/o URE
    • Description : "This is one part of the broader Packaging Modularization project. The goal is to have a special OOo product ('OOo-wo-URE') that behaves like the normal OOo product but re-uses the existing URE product. That is, installing OOo-wo-URE will require URE to be installed as a prerequisite, and will use the functionality of the installed URE instead of duplicating it as the normal OOo does. For now, OOo-wo-URE is just a special additional product, but if things work out fine, it should replace the normal OOo in the future (like for OOo 3)." That (for now experimental) product is called OpenOffice_woURE and is built in instsetoo_native. See the specification URL for further details, esp. how to install it.
    • Feature Announcement : http://tools.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=30
    • Specification : http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/mwiki/index.php?title=ODF_Toolkit/Efforts/OOo_without_URE
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : sb71 integrated in SRC680m231

Component : UDK

  • 77885 : stoc library merge
    • Description : Those various small UNO component libraries from stoc that are relevant at OOo startup (implreg.uno.so, nestedreg.uno.so, regtypeprov.uno.so, security.uno.so, servicemgr.uno.so, shlibloader.uno.so, simplereg.uno.so, typeconverter.uno.so, typemgr.uno.so, uriproc.uno.so) have been merged into two new larger bootstrap.uno.so (for those components that are used during binary UNO bootstrap and need UNO type information in a format independent of types.rdb) and stocservices.uno.so (for the rest). Client code should not be affected by this change.
    • Feature Announcement : http://udk.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=features&msgNo=43
    • Specification : --
    • Test case specification : --
    • CWS : sb71 integrated in SRC680m231

Component : UI

Component : Word Processing (sw - Writer)

CWS with changes UI and/or online help

Here are all Child Work Spaces [CWS] are listed which are relevant for UI changes, Feature integration, changes in Online Help or for translation : ab38 in m238: Extensible Help system
aquavcl03 in m233: start Cocoa migration, first part : implement basics in events and frames
as6 in 238 : fixes around file picker implementation
aw053 in 238 : Reduce complexity: Unnecessary display options
beppec56pdfa1b in 238 : Add PDF/A-1a capability to OOo PDF export filter
beppec56pdflinks in 238 : Implementation of relative hyperlinks in OOo PDF export filter.
calcautofilter in 230 : Calc autofilter behaviour
calcprintdlg in 238 : Calc enhancements for the print dialog.
calcformula in 232 : Enhanced data input in Calc
calctextcol in 226 : Convert text to columns in Calc
chart14 in 235 : chart features for OOo 2.4
chart17 in 238 : chart : Regression curve equations and more flexible data point label placement.
customfields in 238 : Fixes Word import for custom fields and provides them as DocumentInfoFields based on CustomProperties
datapilotsort in 238 : Manual sorting of items in DataPilot
dba24b in 236 : --
dba24c in 238 : ongoing DBA bugfixing towards OOo 2.4
dba24lastminutestrings in 237 : integrate some new DBA strings into 2.4 before the translation freeze
dba24lms in 238 : integrate some new DBA strings into 2.4 before the translation freeze
fwk72 in 238 : Framework fixes for OOo2.4
fwk74 in 238 : Framework fixes/features for OpenOffice.org 2.4.
fwk78 in 238 : Enhancements and UI changes
hcshared09 in 227 : Changes to the installed help / Spring 07
hcshared10 in 230 : Help files Summer 07
hcshared12 in 238 : Changes to application help Autumn 07
impress134 in 238 : impress/draw fixes for OOo 2.4
jl76 in 238 : enhancements for extension online update
jl79 in 238 : enhancements for Extension Manager
l10ntooling06 in 232 : --
langstatusbar in 238 : Better language selection via status bar control
locales24 in 237 : Locale data and related changes for OOo2.4
macaddressbook01 in 229 : CWS for integrating the Mac OS X Address Book into OpenOffice.org (Mac OS X X11 and Aqua Versions)
native105 in 227 : Simplifying Java exchange
native106 in 234 : OOo 2.4 tasks
navorder in 227 : User defined navigation order of slides
obr06 in 230 : Small build fixes and obsolete code removal
odfversionwarning in 238 : --
os103 in 237 : Patches and bugfixes OOo 2.4
os104 in 238 : Enhancements
os107 in 238 : Implementation of issue i61007
pj88 in 238 : Fix small, but very annoying typo in en-US string in error message.
printdirectinfo in 237 : Enhancement to give better information about the printer used by the "print directly" toolbar button
readme4macintel in 234 : Revamp of ReadMe deployed with OOo.
reportdesign01 in 238 : Ongoing fixes for the Sun Report Builder
sheetzoom in 238 : Allow to set separate zoom level per sheet
so3deadcorpses in 235 : move so3 to binfilter/bf_so3
swcolsel in 238 : Allow block selection in Writer
tkr05_SRC680 in 237 : Integrate HTTPS support in webdav ucb provider
tkr06 in 238 : --
updchk10 in 238 : enhancements to the automatic look for updates
vcl82 in 231 : 2.4 issues

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