From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
The following software maybe included within OpenOffice.org. Since not all of these software may be already installed on an Development System, there is an OpenOffice.org source tarball available which include most of the required third party software.
The OpenOffice.org configure switch [--with-system-<library>] allows to use the libraries already installed on your system. This is usful for generating a distribution bundled product.
Source Code
- afms
- OpenOffice.org 2.3: (ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/adobe/afm/Adobe-Core35_AFMs-314.tar.gz) BSD style license
- apple_remote
- See Apple remote implementation
- Code under MIT License, and written by Martin Kahr ( seehttp://www.martinkahr.com/2007/07/26/remote-control-wrapper-20/index.html )
- apache_java
- OpenOffice.org 2: Xalan 2.7 (xalan.jar, crimson.jar, xml-apis.jar) (http://xalan.apache.org/) Apache License
- aspell
- OpenOffice.org 1.0.x:
- OpenOffice.org 1.1: not longer used
- antigrain (agg)
- OpenOffice.org 2: Antigrain v 2.3 (http://www.antigrain.com) BSD style license, Attn: 2.5 is GPL license !!
- beanshell
- OpenOffice.org 2: Beanshell v 2.0.b1 (http://www.beanshell.org recent version is 2.0.b4) Sun Public License
- berkeleydb
- OpenOffice.org 2: 4.2.52, most recent available 4.5 (http://www.oracle.com/database/berkeley-db/index.html)
- boost
- OpenOffice.org 2: boost 1.30, most recent available 1.34 (http://www.boost.org/)
- --with-system-boost available
- cppunit
- cppunit 1.1.8, LGPL v2.1
- curl
- --with-system-curl available
- dlcompat
- epm
- expat
- ext_log4j
- fondu
- Will convert a series of mac font files (copied over to unix in binhex or macbinary formats) into their equivalent unix font files, BSD style license
- since OpenOffice.org 2.0.3
- will become obsolete after OpenOffice.org 3.0, aqua version, will be out
- freetype
- OpenOffice.org 2: freetype 2.2.1, most recent available 2.3.4 (http://www.freetype.org)
- gtk
- OpenOffice.org 1: gtk v (http://www.gtk.org), LGPL v2.1
- OpenOffice.org 2: not longer used.
- hsqldb
- icu
- OpenOffice.org 2.2: 3.6, most recent available 3.6 (2007-07-29, http://www.icu-project.org/)
- OpenOffice.org 2.1 and earlier: 2.6
- jfreereport
- jpeg
- OpenOffice.org 2: jpeg6b, (ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtel.net/msdos/graphics)
- ldapber
- libwps
- libxslt
- libegg
- lpsolve
- libsndfile
- OpenOffice.org 2: libsndfile 1.0.9 , (http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/, most recent 1.0.17)
- libtextcat
- libxml2
- libxmlsec
- libwpd
- OpenOffice.org 2: MathMLDTD (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-MathML/appendixA.html), W3C License
- mdbtools
- moz
- msfontextract
- pspell
- logging
- nas
- neon
- np_sdk
- openssl
- python
- regexp
- Remote Control Wrapper
- [1] (MIT License)
- rhino
- OpenOffice.org 2.4: update from rhino 1.5r4 to 1.5r5
- sndfile
- sablot
- sane
- twain
- unixODBC
- OpenOffice.org 2: 1.8, most recent version 2.2.12 (http://www.unixodbc.org)
- vigra
- virgule
- OpenOffice.org 1.1.x, just available in this versions, used as workaround for i1820
- x11_extensions
- xalan
- xrender
- xt
- zlib
- addons / bitstream_vera_fonts
- OpenOffice.org 2: 1.10 (http://www.gnome.org/fonts/#Final_Bitstream_Vera_fonts) BSD style license
- OpenOffice.org 2.4: update from Bitream Vera to DejaVu
- OpenOffice.org 2.4: Liberation Fonts (https://www.redhat.com/promo/fonts/) GPL v2 plus exceptions
- planned: Arabic Kacst open type fonts v. 1.6.2
- Microsoft C Runtimes