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On creating the general extensions page:

- You need to be logged in on the site - On the left: Submit Extension -> http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/node/add/project-project

There are several places where the informations are used: - Teaser: in List views limited informations are shown - Extension page: A seperate page, where teh extension infomation is displayed - Update feed - Extension release page: All informations regarding the binary are show - Extension download process

Needed informations:

- Extension name: String maximal 128 characters;

 The display name of the extension;

- Extension description: String/HTML text;

 The first part is also displayed as a summary (maximal 200 characters).
 To force the break before 200 characters insert: 

- Short extension name: String maximal 50 characters;

 This is used in the url of the extension:  

- License category: Select one of the entries:

 opensource, freeware, shareware, commercial

- Teaser image: 150x150 pixel;

 Will always be shown right to the description;

- Provider Title: String maximal 255 characters;

 Name that is used, instead of the username on the site;

- Provider URL: URL maximal 255 characters;

 Link that will be on the Provider Title

- Provider logo: width: 100 pixel, height: 50 pixel

 Will be shown to show the origin;

- Categories: To which application does the extension belong to:

 Multiselection is possible:
 OpenOffice.org, Writer, Calc, Base, Chart, Draw, Impress, Math.
 (Or a new suggestion)
 At least one has to be selected

- Tags: A free text field, to provide tags, describing the extension;

 Seperate entries by , 

Optional: - License link: URL maximal 255 characters;

 A link to a page where the license is displayed;

- Screenshots: URL maximal 255 characters;

 A link to one or a page with several screenshots;

- Sources: URL maximal 255 characters;

 A link to a webcvs/viewcvs site where teh source can be viewed;

Don't forgett to mark the extension as published.

Upload an extension release binary:

On an extension page you have a link 'Add new release', if you created the extensions; This goes to a link like: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/node/add/project_release/xxx

There are several options, how to provide the extension binary; There exist the following fields: - File: Upload a file (.oxt) not greater than 100MB - Download binary from URL: URL to an file (.oxt) maximal 255 characters - Download from page / Open follow up page URL: URL, maximal 255 characters

 To either a page from where the extension can be downloaded, or
 a page that will open during download.

How do these fields work together? Possible combinations: 1. File

  Download button go to a page with a link to the final download;
  Download starts automatical;
  (Update feed can be generated)

2. File + Open follow up page URL

  Download button go to a page with a link to the final download;
  Download starts automatical;
  A second page opens with the provided URL
  (Update feed can be generated)

3. Download binary from URL

  Download button go to a page with a link to the final download;
  Download starts automatical;
  (Update feed might be generated)

4. Download binary from URL + Open follow up page URL

  Download button opens a new page with a link to the final download and with the provided URL;
  Download starts automatical;
  The provided URL is loaded automatical. (Only works with activated JavaScript)
  (Update feed might be generated)

5. Download from page

  Download button opens a new page with a link to the final download;
  The provided URL is loaded automatical.
  (Update feed can't get generated)

Further needed informations:

- Operating System: Select at least one entry, multiselection possible:

 System independant, Windows 2003, Solaris, Linux, MacOS X

- Binary type: Select one entry:

 OOo extension (.oxt), Other binary download
 Update feed is only generated for oxt-packages.
 There is an icon displayed in the presentation, if oxt is selected

- Currently manual, when description.xml is evaluated the information of that file is used;

 Major: Minor: Patch-level: Each string 20 maximal numbers
 Status: String maximal 50 characters
 Will be used like: 1.2.3-dev (If the values are entered: 1, 2, 3, dev)

- Release notes: String/HTML that will be used in the update feed and on the extension release and download page.

Don't forgett to mark the extension as published.

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