Creating numbered or bulleted lists

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  • 使用autoformatting。
  • 使用列表樣式,所述第7章 (使用樣式)。
  • 使用編號和項目符號圖標的段落格式工具欄。這最後一種方法是這裡介紹。




您可以建立含套件列表(其中一個或多個列表項下有一個子列表,如大綱)並使用按鈕的項目符號和編號的工具欄。您可以移動符號上下的列表,或建立subpoints,甚至改變編號、項目的樣式。 使用查看 “> 工具欄 ”> 項目符號和編號

Bullets and Numbering toolbar.
1 項目符號 8 插入編號
2 編號 9 上移
3 關閉編號 10 下降
4 上一層 11 移動上 Subpoints
5 下一層 12 移動下 Subpoints
6 移動上一層 Subpoints 13 重新編號
7 移動上一層 Subpoints   14 項目符號與編號


If you create a nested list using the predefined styles, all the levels of the list (up to 10) apply the same numbering (or bullet), however in many circumstances you will want to use a combination of numbering formats and bullets when creating nested lists. Such lists with a mixture of numbering formats and bullets can be easily configured as described in the following example. Additional information on lists and in particular the technique to create your own list style is described in Chapter 7 (Working with Styles).


Example: configuring a nested list

We will use a numbering style to produce the following effect:

  I. Level-1 list item

     A. Level-2 list item

        i. Level-3 list item

           a) Level-4 list item

This example uses one of the supplied styles, Numbering 1, however if you intend to reuse this type of nested list you can also create a new style as illustrated in Chapter 7 (Working with Styles).

  1. Create the first item and apply the Numbering 1 style from the Styles and Formatting window.
  2. Select Format > Bullets and Numbering to open the dialog that controls the appearance of the list.
  3. Go to the Outline page, where you will find that one style matches our requirements. Click once on that style.
  4. Choosing a predefined outline-numbering style
  5. To modify the layout of the list, use the Options tab. Notice that the preview on the right shows the outline selected. In the Level box on the left, select 1, then 2, 3, and 4 and see how the information in the Numbering and After boxes changes.
    Use the Options page to set different punctuation; for example, a period (full stop) after “a” on level 4 instead of a parenthesis.
  6. Checking the outline numbering for level-1 list items
    Numbering style for level-2 list items

    To make the indentation at each level greater or less than the default, change it on the Position page. Select the level, then make any changes in the indentation, spacing, or numbering alignment.

  7. Repeat for each level as required, then click OK.


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