Documentation/How Tos/Calc: ROW function

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Returns the row number(s), given a reference.



returns the row number of reference, where reference is a reference to a cell.
If reference is omitted, the row number of the current cell (containing the formula) is returned.
If reference is a range of cells and the formula is entered as an array formula (by pressing Ctrl-Shift Enter rather than Enter) a single column array of row numbers is returned.



returns 3. Cell B3 is on the third row.


if entered in cell D2, returns 2. Cell D2 is on the second row.

ROW(D5:D8) (entered with the Enter key)

returns 5. This is not an array formula, so the row number of the first cell D5 is returned.

ROW(D5:D8) (entered with Ctrl-Shift-Enter)

returns the single column array {5; 6; 7; 8}, as this is an array formula. If this formula is entered in cell A1, A1 will display 5, A2 6, A3 7 and A4 8.

See Also
Retrieved from ""
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