How do I install

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How do I install

If you have installed Linux tarball (tar.gz format) you should sudo or change into root user and move it to /opt/ folder.

  • Untar the package by typing:
 tar -xzvf OOo-2.3.1-LinuxIntel-20080124.tar.gz
  • cd into the folder created and execute the setup script:

This instructions are for RPM based linux distros. For aditional instructions please ask on the user list at

If you have downloaded the binary file for Windows from, it may be in ZIP, TAR, or EXE format.

  • If the file is in the ZIP or TAR format, decompress it into a temporary folder (with a program such as WinZip or Pkzip).

If the file is in the EXE format, simply double-click the file to decompress it.

  • Double-click the Install icon that you find in the Install Folder; or, double-click the file named setup.exe. A guided installation dialog will begin and will step you through the installation process.
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