How to Apply an Add-In to a Chart Document

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There is no method to set an add-in as a chart type for an existing chart in the graphical user interface. To set the chart type, use an API script, for instance, in Basic. The following example sets the add-in with service name “” at the current document. To avoid problems, it is advisable to create a chart that has the same type as the one that the add-in sets as BaseDiagram type.

 Sub SetAddIn
 Dim oDoc As Object
 Dim oSheet As Object
 Dim oTableChart As Object
 Dim oChart As Object
 Dim oAddIn As Object
     ' assume that the current document is a spreadsheet
     oDoc = ThisComponent
     oSheet = oDoc.Sheets( 0 )
     ' assume also that you already added a chart
     ' named "MyChart" on the first sheet
     oTableChart = oSheet.Charts.getByName( "MyChart" )
     If Not IsNull( oTableChart ) Then
         oChart = oTableChart.EmbeddedObject
         If Not IsNull( oChart ) Then
             oAddIn = oChart.createInstance( "" )
             If Not IsNull( oAddIn ) Then
                 oChart.setDiagram( oAddIn )
             End If
         End If
     End If
 End Sub


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