Building on MacOSX

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Template:Documentation/Building Guide AOO TOC


Building Apache OpenOffice from source code follows the platform independent building guide when the build requirements outlined below are fulfilled.

General build requirements

Please see the general build requirements page.

Mac specific requirements for building AOO 4.1 (and newer)

What Where to get / Remarks
Mac OS X version 10.7 (aka Lion) or later provided by Apple
Xcode version 4.5 or later. Use the App Store application to get and install it. For Xcode 5 (or newer) some extra steps are needed.

You can also download it free of charge, but a registration at the Apple Developer Connection site is required for that.

MacOSX SDK SDKs compatible with OSX 10.7 are automatically provided by installing XCode 4.5 or newer. That most recent compatible SDK is 10.11; SDKs for 10.12 and above are not supported due to Apple's deprecation of Quicktime, which is needed for vcl.
gnutar OSX<=10.8 contains the tool directly, for OSX>=10.9 some extra steps are needed.

Requirements for Xcode 5 (or newer)

What Where to get / Remarks
Xcode commandline tools run this command in a terminal
sudo xcode-select --install
autoconf Run these commands in a terminal
curl -OL
tar xvjf autoconf-2.69.tar.bz2
pushd autoconf-2.69
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

Alternatively, you can also install via MacPorts

OSX 10.9 (or newer) specific requirements

What Where to get / Remarks
gnutar Run these commands in a terminal
curl -OL
tar xvjf tar-1.27.tar.bz2
pushd tar-1.27
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/tar /usr/local/bin/gnutar

Alternatively, you can also install via MacPorts

El Capitan General build hints

To build Apache OpenOffice under El Capitan, or even under other versions of OS X, it is generally easier to install MacPorts ( or HomeBrew ( This will allow you to satisfy all general build requirements as well as OS X specifics. On a base install of OS X with Xcode and assuming MacPorts, these should be installed:

  • port install gnutar
  • port install autoconf
  • port install serf
  • port install apache-ant

You will also need to install the required Perl packages noted in the general build page since OS X does not include them by default. If you don't want to mix System and User modifications, you can use MacPorts/HomeBrew to install Perl and use this user land version for these extra packages. I recommend installing epm and dmake directly, rather than using/building at AOO build time. Fortunately, these are easy and straightforward to install:

What How
epm Run these commands in a terminal
curl -OL
tar xvf epm-4.3-source.tar.gz
pushd epm-4.3
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
dmake Run these commands in a terminal
curl -OL
tar xvfj dmake-4.12.tar.bz2
push dmake-4.12
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

You will notice that the recommended version of epm for OS X is 4.3 (or later); This is because previous versions required the long deprecated PackageMaker application (as well as PackageMaker being installed in a hardcoded location). Starting with epm 4.3, the official OS X pkgbuild utility is supported, removing the need for PackageMaker.

Final Note: I know that it is generally recommended that MacPorts be installed in /opt/local, but it is much easier if you install it in /usr/local.

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