Data pilots

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Revision as of 17:46, 16 May 2006 by ErAck (Talk | contribs)

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The last I looked it was not possible to access a DataPilot based on external data via the API - so these routines are for DataPilots based on data within the spreadsheet.

Current data pilot

[oobas] Function fnCurDataPilot(oCursor as object) as object

'Returns the first data pilot that intersects with oCursor 'If no data pilot intersects it returns null

dim oEnum as object, oDP as object

oEnum = thisComponent.getCurrentController.getActiveSheet.getDataPilotTables.createEnumeration While oEnum.hasMoreElements()

       oDP = oEnum.nextElement()
       if oCursor.queryIntersection(oDP.outputRange).getCount > 0 then
               fnCurDataPilot = oDp
               exit function
       end if

wend 'fnCurDataPilot = null end function Example of calling the above function:

[oobas] oDoc = thisComponent oCurSelection = oDoc.CurrentSelection oSheet = oDoc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet oCursor = oSheet.createCursorbyRange(oCurSelection) oDataPilot = fnCurDataPilot(oCursor)

Delete datapilot

[oobas] sub subDeleteDataPilot(oDoc, oDataPilot) oDoc.getsheets.getByIndex(oDataPilot.getOutputRange.sheet).getDataPilotTables.removeByName(oDataPilot.Name) end sub

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