Currently active document

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Revision as of 18:45, 27 April 2008 by Cjac (Talk | contribs)

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The currently active document can be accessed using thisComponent.

An almost equivalent to the BASIC command thisComponent is:



In basic it is generally preferable to use thisComponent.

By using StarDesktop.CurrentComponent, a macro in one document can be run on another document.

Another exception is when a routine is run by the event "Document Open". In this case use StarDesktop.CurrentComponent and a check on the document type. The reason for not using thisComponent is that when a library is opened the event fires and thus runs a second time on the currently active document.

To determine the type of document that is currently active you could use the following function:

function fnWhichComponent(oDoc) as string
if HasUnoInterfaces(oDoc, "") then 
   if thisComponent.supportsService ("") then
      fnWhichComponent = "Text"
   elseif thisComponent.supportsService("") then
      fnWhichComponent = "Spreadsheet"
   elseif thisComponent.supportsService("") then
      fnWhichComponent = "Presentation"
   elseif thisComponent.supportsService("") then
      fnWhichComponent = "Drawing"
      fnWhichComponent = "Oops current document something else"
   end if
   fnWhichComponent = "Not a document"
end if
End function

An example of calling this function is:

if fnWhichComponent(thisComponent) <> "Text" then
  msgbox "Sorry - this only works for text documents", 16, "Error"
  exit sub
end if
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