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CrashReporting is a feature of some and StarOffice distributions. When the application crashes data about the crash is collected and send to a server to be stored in a database and compared with other reports. Developers can then look at that and try to fix the problems causing the crashes.

Crash Reporting is by default enabled in Sun provided builds and in StarOffice. Crash Reports of these builds are send to a Sun server handling these reports.

After crashed on the next restart of the application the User will be presented a dialog where information about the crash can be entered and the crash report can be send.

The application will than send a SOAP request to a server collectiong those reports. The report contains an XML document along with binary data and a description text. The server can be configured in the bootstrap.ini file and the default for is, that´s where Sun is collecting crash reports.

There is no public access to data collected by the server operated by Sun due to privacy concerns. The code used on the server side has not been open sourced.

The Receiving SOAP Service at is just a small SOAP service with the signature

 public static String submitReport(SOAPContext soapContext,String body, Hashtable attachments )

which collects the report which will than be rsynced into the internal network and be given to a next instance service which then stores the report into a database. Then there is a third service using 2 processes on different hosts involved which tries to find similarities between stacks stored in the database based on the information originally send in the reportmail.xml document, this then groups similar stacks together and assigns one StackMatchID into the database. Here there is some kind of well almost "fuzzy logic" involved in detecting similarity and there can be false positives while doing that and on the other hand also sometimes the same problem root cause might lead to serveral StackMatchIds. Sun developers have an internal (also closed source) web frontend to access the crash report database and some commandline tools are also available to Sun developers. Sun also does some statistical analysis of the data collected in order to find highscorers that need more urgent fixing for example. Sun handles crash reports by comparing them with other reports received and generating and priorizing tasks for Sun developers into an internal bug tracking system automatically based on volume and frequency of occurance of similar reports. This complexity in the backend services is only needed because of the large amount of data generated by the Sun provided builds and StarOffice. For other builds or based products which may not have such a high number of users much simpler szenarios of handling reports could be possible.

Information about the UI for sending crash reports in can be found in the Error Report UI Spec for OO.o 2.0 document.

There is also a Crash Report XML Document format specification document available which describes the XML format of the reportmail.xml document send with the SOAP request.

There is a crash report related Environment Variable STAROFFICE_USERTYPE which will be recognized when the crash is being reported. Valid values are "qa", "developer" and "internal". It´s value will be included in the crash reports XML document if set and marks the report as belonging to a certain usertype group. The only use for that setting is that the crash report database can be asked afterwards how many reports there where of those groups as opposed to normal users.

Note to those providing non-Sun builds: You can either disable CrashReporting for your build or you can provide your own backend services for handling crash reports. Using the Sun backend for non Sun Builds does not make sense because to be able to work with the data provided in the report access to the complete solver output tree of the corresponding build must be available in order to obtain debug information for that version. And the Sun backend obviously does not have access to the solver tree of your build. The configure tool in config_office has a commandline switch to enable/disable crash reporting. AFAIK currently only Sun operates an backend infrastructure to handle crash reports. If you have different information please modify this Wiki entry. Occassionally the Sun backend receives reports from builds not provided by Sun or from based products not provided by Sun, this is an error if you happen to be the provider of such a build please correct it.

What Red Hat does

For Red Hat builds Red Hat replaces the crash_report program with a simple gui script which collects some extra commonly relevant information about the environment in which has been run as well as the stack trace and prompts the user to submit it to Red Hat's bugzilla. And we use a similar set of tools to map the stripped stack back to the debuginfo for that version of

A better longer term solution would be for Red Hat to point bugbuddy into their own bugzilla backend and then hook up to it and work on some common backend for all our of apps to find dups and present the developer with a pre-restored set of line numbers and details.

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