Cpp Coding Standards/ERR

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Error Handling (ERR) - Summary

How to distinguish and use exceptions, assertions and other error cases.

Assert Assumptions (Assert)

Assert liberally to document internal assumptions and invariants. Don't use assertions for runtime errors.
Ensure that assertions don't perform side effects.
-> Details

Function Safety Guarantees (Safe)

Provide the strongest error-safety guarantee for each function that does not punish callers who do not need it. The basic guarantee is always necessary. -> Details

Which Functions Never Fail (NoFail)

Destructors, delete operators and swap functions must never fail. Occurring exceptions have to be catched and handled within the same function. -> Details

Throwing and Catching Exceptions (HowThrow)

Throw exceptions by value, catch them by reference. -> Details

Avoid Exception Specifications (ExSpec)

Don't write exception specifications on your functions. -> Details

Related Rules

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